New methods and technologies
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 21_2015 submitted on 05/26/2015 displayed on website on 06/11/2015
24 p.
pdf  Assessment of the influence of permafrost strata of late quaternary climate cooling on the geothermal regime of oil-sorce deposits of Western Siberia

The probable paleoclimatic factors influencing the formation of the geothermal regime of oil source deposits are determined: 1) secular variation of temperature on the surface of the Earth; 2) the formation and degradation of neopleistocene strata of permafrost rocks; 3) Late Quaternary ice caps. The purpose of research is quantitative assessment of the impact of frost on the geothermal regime and the implementation of the generation potential of Bazhenov sediments in the southeast of Western Siberia (latitude of Tomsk region). The author's method of research based on the method of paleotemperature modeling is applied - solving the inverse and direct issues of geothermy under a sedimentation conditions. It was established that the account of permafrost with thickness of about 300 m is required for adequate recovery of the thermal history of oil source deposits on south-eastern areas of Western Siberia. This will enable to properly take into account the history of the main phase of oil generation and not to underestimate (up to 25%) the hydrocarbon resources.

Keywords: geothermal regime of Bazhenov sediments, neopleistocene permafrost, paleotemperature modeling, hydrocarbon resources, south-east of Western Siberia.
article citation Isaev V.I. Otsenka vliyaniya tolshch vechnoy merzloty pozdnechetvertichnogo klimaticheskogo pokholodaniya na geotermicheskiy rezhim neftematerinskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri [Assessment of the influence of permafrost strata of late quaternary climate cooling on the geothermal regime of oil-sorce deposits of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, available at:
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