Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Margulis L.S.
Article # 26_2015 submitted on 06/09/2015 displayed on website on 07/07/2015
13 p.
pdf  New data to the structure assessment of prospects the Near-Yamal part of the southern Kara Sea shelf
Complex geophysical works give an opportunity to clarify the position of promising hydrocarbon zones. As a result of works, a revision of several previously known structures was carried out, and a new structure located in the transitional zone was discovered. Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the structure is confirmed by the complex of seismic, geochemistry and electrical exploration.

Keywords: transitional zone, regional study, seismic study, structure map, structure element, Kara Sea.
article citation Zholondz A.S., Pavlenkin A.D. Novye dannye k otsenke perspektiv neftegazonosnosti Priyamal'skoy chasti yuzhnokarskogo shel'fa [New data to the structure assessment of prospects the Near-Yamal part of the southern Kara Sea shelf]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 3, available at:

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