Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 28_2015 submitted on 06/17/2015 displayed on website on 07/21/2015
12 p.
pdf  Geochemistry of heteroatomic components of bitumoids of Kuonamka Formation, Lower and Middle Cambrian (northeastern Siberian Platform)
New results of research of bitumoid components from Kuonamka Formation, Lower and Middle Cambrian of Olenek arc are presented. The resins and asphaltene components of the bitumoids are studied by means of electron paramagnetic resonance methods. It is found that elemental composition of bitumoids, the amount of vanadium ions in the fractions of their heteroatom components depend on the content of organic carbon and mineral sulfur into rock. The geochemistry of vanadyl porphyrins of the Cambrian black shales ae discussed. It is shown that oxidation in the supergene zone resulted in a significant enrichment of bitumoids by oxygen and destruction of vanadyl porphyrins of resins and asphaltenes of thin-layered Kuonamka Formation rocks in the north-east of the Siberian platform.

Keywords: geochemistry, bitumoids, resin, asphaltene components, electron paramagnetic resonance, hypergenesis, black shales, Cambrian, Siberian Platform.
article citation Parfenova T.M. Geokhimiya geteroatomnykh komponentov bitumoidov kuonamskoy svity nizhnego i srednego kembriya (severo-vostok Sibirskoy platformy) [Geochemistry of heteroatomic components of bitumoids of Kuonamka Formation, Lower and Middle Cambrian (northeastern Siberian Platform)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 3, available at:

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