Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 29_2015 submitted on 06/19/2015 displayed on website on 08/11/2015
11 p.
pdf  Hydrocarbon composition of water-soluble organic matter of the Devonian formation waters in the thermal gradient field of Matrosovsky oil field of South-Tatar arch
It is shown that the hydrocarbon composition of formation waters from Biysk layer of Matrosovsky oil field of South-Tatar arch include alkanes of normal and isomeric structure. Obtained biomarker factors point to the enrichment of rocks, enclosing the original organic matter, by carbonate minerals, marine depositional environment with moderate salinity and prevalence of photosynthetic bacteria (prokaryotes) above algal eukaryotes in the initial biomass. The water-soluble organic matter of formation waters has a low degree of catagen conversion that was not affected by thermo-gradients fields of rocks from Matrosovsky oil field. In terms of thermal maturity, organic matter is closer to the bitumens of basement than oils of overlying Devonian strata.

Keywords: water-soluble organic matter, hydrocarbon composition, oil, bitumens, biomarkers, Devonian, thermal gradient field, Matrosovsky oil field, South-Tatar arch.
article citation Kosachev I.P., Kayukova G.P. Uglevodorodnyy sostav vodorastvorennogo organicheskogo veshchestva plastovykh vod devona v termogradientnom pole Matrosovskogo mestorozhdeniya Yuzhno-Tatarskogo svoda [Hydrocarbon composition of water-soluble organic matter of the Devonian formation waters in the thermal gradient field of Matrosovsky oil field of South-Tatar arch]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 3, available at:

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