Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 30_2015 submitted on 06/26/2015 displayed on website on 08/24/2015
12 p.
pdf Geological background for identifying productive pools in the Lower Permian-Carboniferous autochthon deposits of the Vuktyl oil and gas condensate field
At the current stage of the Vuktyl field development the analysis of the Tyumen gas injection and hydrocarbon production, drawn correlation schemes of the producing Artinskian-Lower Carboniferous deposits, has enabled to validate a model with 7 productive pools; each pool is likely to have its own gas-water contact. An autochthonous fold with the amplitude of 125 m identified in the north of the Vuktyl field within the Lower Permian-Lower Carboniferous carbonate deposits may contain the productive pools, which is confirmed by oil inflows and abundant showings of oil and gas in the drilled wells. The autochthonous fold may also be located in the southern part of the field in the same deposits. The total resources of autochthonous deposits may be tens million tons.

Keywords: well, seismic survey, additional exploration, deposit, reservoir model, resources, the Vuktyl oil and gas condensate field, the Vuktyl region, the Timan-Pechora province, the Komi Republic.
article citation Pankratova E.I., Bogdanov B.P. Geologicheskie predposylki vyyavleniya plastovykh zalezhey v otlozheniyakh nizhney permi - karbona avtokhtona Vuktyl'skogo neftegazokondensatnogo mestorozhdeniya [Geological background for identifying productive pools in the Lower Permian-Carboniferous autochthon deposits of the Vuktyl oil and gas condensate field]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 3, available at:
   Pankratova E.I. Ispol'zovanie zakachki 'sukhogo' gaza dlya utochneniya stroeniya Vuktyl'skogo mestorozhdeniya [Using the injection of "dry" gas to refine the structure of the Vuktyl deposit]. Proceedings of Science and Technology Conference, UGTU, 2013, p. 34-38.
   Pankratova E.I. K voprosu geologicheskogo stroeniya Vuktyl'skoy struktury [On the question of the geological structure of Vuktyl formation]. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal, 2014, part 1, no. 4, p. 89-91.
   Pankratova E.I., Bogdanov B.P. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Vuktyl'skogo mestorozhdeniya v svyazi s novoy model'yu zalezhey [Petroleum potential prospects of Vuktyl deposits in connection with the new model of deposits]. Geologiya i mineral'nye resursy evropeyskogo severo-vostoka Rossii: Proceedings of XVI Geological Congress of the Komi Republic. Syktyvkar, 2014, vol. III, p. 74-76.