Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 47_2015 submitted on 11/30/2015 displayed on website on 12/28/2015
14 p.
pdf  Models of formation and techniques for search of hydrocarbons in the most significant "shale" formations of Russia
Complex of unconventional hydrocarbon resources being developed today are analyzed. It was established that shale hydrocarbons represent the priority in terms of technology of development and opportunity to extract not only gas but also oil. Conceptual model of "shale" formations in ancient and young platforms are analyzed, and it is stated that two types of reservoirs are found there, having different oil and gas potential. The technique for prospecting of the most promising oil and gas sites and shale formations are developed for subsequent exploration drilling.

Keywords: unconventional reservoir, "shale" formation, conceptual model, technique for hydrocarbon prospecting.
article citation Zharkov A.M. Kontseptual'nye modeli formirovaniya i metodika poiskov uglevodorodov v naibolee znachimykh «slantsevykh» formatsiyakh Rossii [Models of formation and techniques for search of hydrocarbons in the most significant "shale" formations of Russia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 4, available at:

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