Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 4_2015 submitted on 12/02/2014 displayed on website on 01/19/2015
16 p.
pdf  The forecast of oil and gas perspective objects using remote methods of research
Implementation of remote methods of research in oil and gas prospecting increases its efficiency. The technology of complexation of the results of structural-geomorphological (morphostructural) research and geological interpretation of remote sensing data of Earth for the purpose of forecast of small amplitude structures, which are traps of hydrocarbons, is proposed. Geological preconditions of reflection of oil and gas fields on a terrestrial surface are described. Influence of neotectonic and modern movements on migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons and their reflection in features of terrestrial surface are shown on the basis of model of near-fault oil-and-gas bearing structure at the Northern part of Donbass. Construction of integrated model of forecasting (Remote Complex of Forecasting) with use of opportunities of Geographical Information Systems is described. New perspective objects are predicted with use of Remote Complex of Forecasting of structures - hydrocarbon traps at the Northern part of Donbass.

Keywords: hydrocarbons, GIS-technology, complexation, structural-geomorphological research, morphometric methods, remote sensing data of Earth, structures - traps of hydrocarbons, oil and gas fields.
article citation Agres N.P. Prognozirovanie neftegazoperspektivnykh poiskovykh ob"ektov distantsionnymi metodami issledovaniy [The forecast of oil and gas perspective objects using remote methods of research]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 1, available at:

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