Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 22_2016 submitted on 03/01/2016 displayed on website on 06/10/2016
10 p.
pdf The oil and gas producing complex of Irkuts region: development and issues
We have considered peculiarities of modern condition of the oil and gas complex of Irkutsk region and the possibility of its development taking into account the clustered transformations of oil and gas complex to Russia. Peculiarities of the resource base and oil production volumes at the new fields of Irkutsk region are specifically for the dynamics evolution of oil and gas companies belonging to the Irkutsk region. An innovation development of Irkutsk region could provide a positive influence on activities of oil and gas companies. We have suggested economic measures to try to stimulate the development of oil and gas complex of Irkutsk region.

Keywords: oil and gas complex, oil and gas region, innovation development, Irkutsk region.
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