Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Zharkov A.M.
Article # 32_2016 | submitted on 07/31/2016 displayed on website on 09/28/2016 |
22 p. | Averyanova O.Yu., Morariu D. |
Assessments complexity of petroleum systems hydrocarbon potential | |
The current level of hydrocarbon potential evaluation of unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations is analysed. The approaches to the evaluation of technically recoverable hydrocarbon resources from source rocks of various sedimentary basins are discussed, for this purpose the calculations based on parameters of selected petroleum systems and their geochemical characteristics are applied.
Keywords: petroleum system, source rocks, hydrocarbon technically recoverable resources, hydrocarbon potential evaluation. |
article citation | Averyanova O.Yu., Morariu D. Variativnost' otsenok uglevodorodnogo potentsiala neftegazovykh sistem [Assessments complexity of petroleum systems hydrocarbon potential]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, available at: |
DOI | |
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Neft' i gaz nizkopronitsaemykh slantsevykh tolshch - rezerv syr'evoy bazy uglevodorodov Rossii [Oil and gas in low-permeability shale strata - Russia reserves of raw hydrocarbon base]. O.M. Prishchepa, O.Yu. Aver'yanova, A.A. Il'inskiy, D. Morariu; Editor. O.M. Prischepa St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2014, 323 p. Trudy VNIGRI.
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Prischepa O., Aver'yanova O. Neftegazonosnye slantsy Vostochno-Evropeyskoy platformy [Oil and gas bearing shales of the East European platform]. Oil & Gas Journal Russia, 2014, no. 1-2, p. 48-52.
Prischepa O.M. Kompleksnyy sposob kolichestvennoy otsenki resursov nefti i gaza v zonakh neftegazonakopleniya [Comprehensive way to quantify the oil and gas resources in petroleum accumulation areas]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 4,
Spravochnik po geokhimii nefti i gaza [Handbook on geochemistry of oil and gas]. Editor S.G. Neruchev. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 1998, 576 p.