Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Zharkov A.M.
Article # 36_2016 submitted on 09/07/2016 displayed on website on 09/29/2016
14 p.
pdf  The long term development of the Russian oil resources
Under current condition of active oil reserves’ (ready to be produced) reduction in the developing fields of conventional production areas the Arctic shelf projects and in the projects of hard-to-recover reserves can be considered as priority on the long term among the five areas of the hydrocarbon estimated resources. Both areas are characterized by highly developed technological infrastructure and promote the development of related industries. Hydrocarbon potential of the Arctic shelf is of high strategic importance for Russia. Its huge potential is confirmed by the presence of giant and large discoveries in the Barents and Kara Seas. Oil and gas potential of unconventional sources in Russia has not been fully evaluated yet, but it exceeds the volume of currently developing hydrocarbon deposits. Conclusions about the need to regulate exploration on these areas and their support under the current economic conditions are presented. The pace of development of the two directions will depend on scientific support, technical progress and market conditions.

Keywords: hydrocarbon, Russian Arctic shelf, hard-to-recover oil reserves, hydrocarbon reserves renewing, scientific support.
article citation Prischepa O.M., Borovinskikh A.P. Napravleniya razvitiya syr'evoy bazy nefti Rossii v dolgosrochnoy perspektive [The long term development of the Russian oil resources]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, available at:

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