Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 37_2016 submitted on 06/22/2016 displayed on website on 10/18/2016
13 p.
pdf  Hydrocarbon composition of bitumoids from rоскs belonging to Muharmetovsk oil field (South-Tatar arch)
Based on the data of component analysis and distribution of geochemical parameters shown the genetic uniformity of the hydrocarbon composition of bitumoids from Devonian rocks and basement of Muharmetovsk oil field. The hydrocarbon was generated by sapropel material associated with clay minerals under reducing diagenetic conditions. Almost identical catagenic maturity of organic matter of these rocks is identified. Comparative analysis of bitumoids biomarkers of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of the regions with different thermal gradients have shown that the hydrocarbon composition of bitumoids component of Muharmetovsk oil field Devonian strata has not borne the effects of the deep thermal evolution. On the contrary the maturity degree of bitumoids from basement was higher than for the rocks from zones of higher thermal gradient.

Keywords: bitumoid, hydrocarbon composition, biomarker, Devonian, basement, thermal gradient field, Muharmetovsk oil field, South-Tatar arch.
article citation Kosachev I.P., Kayukova G.P. Uglevodorodnyy sostav bitumoidov porod Mukharmetovskogo mestorozhdeniya Yuzhno-Tatarskogo svoda [Hydrocarbon composition of bitumoids from rоскs belonging to Muharmetovsk oil field (South-Tatar arch)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 4, available at:

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