Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 38_2016 submitted on 08/05/2016 displayed on website on 10/24/2016
15 p.
pdf  Structure and formation conditions of Frasnian section, northwest Pay-Khoy
The Frasnian of the northern part of the Pay-Khoy carbonate parautochton is represented by Pyrkov Formation. The formation disconformally overlays Lower and probably Middle Devonian, and corresponds to beginning of the Late Devonian – Tournaisian cycle of sedimentation. The Pyrkov Formation is composed of the six facial types, which correspond to wide spectrum of environment – from extremely shallow-water up to deep water. The stratigraphical sequence of the facial types allows us reconstructing the appearance of the isolated carbonate platform (shoal) in the late Frasnian. Local microbial and algal bioherms are characteristic for the late Frasnian. The bioherms were partly eroded during the Frasnian/Famennian regression.

Keywords: stratigraphy, facies, Frasnian, Pyrkov Formation, Pay-Khoy.
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