Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Zharkov A.M.
Article # 49_2016 | submitted on 12/01/2016 displayed on website on 12/16/2016 |
11 p. | Grigorenko Yu.N. |
Oil and gas accumulation zone as an object of study and forecast | |
An attempt to implement theoretical and methodical views of A.A. Trofimuk, Yu.N. Karogodin, E.B. Movshovich and V.D. Nalivkin on the oil geological zonation and the term "oil and gas accumulation zone" was made. A sustained solution to isolate zonal hydrocarbon groups in plan and in section of the sedimentary cover is suggested according to the thirty-three well studied from several oil and gas basins of the world. Some general zonal morphological features of proven oil and gas accumulation zones are characterized.
Keywords: oil and gas accumulation zone, group of oil and gas fields, oil geological zonation. |
article citation | Grigorenko Yu.N. Zony neftegazonakopleniya kak ob"ekt izucheniya i prognoza [Oil and gas accumulation zone as an object of study and forecast]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 4, available at: |
DOI | |
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Grigorenko Yu.N. Metodicheskie aspekty kolichestvennoy resursnoy otsenki morskikh ob"ektov detal'nogo prognoza [Methodical aspects of quantitative resource assessment of marine objects of detailed forecast]. In: Theory and practice of geological and economic evaluation of oil and gas facilities of different scales. Actual problems of preparation and development of hydrocarbon resources base: Paper collection. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, p. 311-318.
Grigorenko Yu.N., Mirchink I.M., Belonin M.D., Sobolev V.S., Andieva T.A., Andreeva N.A., Gurevich G.S., Zhukova L.I., Metlina T.A. Zony neftegazonakopleniya okrain kontinentov [Oil and gas accumulation related to zones of continental margins]. Ed. Yu.N. Grigorenko, I.M. Mirchink. Moscow: Geoinformtsentr, 2002, 432 p.
Klubov V.A., Mkrtchan O.M., Varov B.A., Makhon'kov O.M. Faktory formirovaniya, razmeshcheniya i kriterii poiskov mestorozhdeniy i zon neftegazonakopleniya [Factors of formation, distribution and search criteria of fields and oil and gas accumulations]. In: Search criteria of oil and gas accumulation areas. Moscow: Nauka, 1979, p. 58-64.
Nalivkin V.D. Osobennosti razmeshcheniya vyyavlennykh oblastey neftegazonakopleniya [Features of distribution of identified oil and gas fields]. In: Theoretical and methodological issues of oil and gas geology. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1981, p. 27-35.
Nalivkin V.D. Rayonirovanie po fakticheskoy kontsentratsii mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza [Zonation on the actual concentration of oil and gas fields]. Sovetskaya geologiya, 1974, no. 8, p. 28-42.
Nalivkin V.D., Kuz'min V.I., Luk'yanova V.G. Diskretnost' v sisteme prognoza neftegazonosnosti [Discontinuity in the system of petroleum potential forecast]. In: System approach in forecasting, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas accumulations. Moscow, 1985, p. 37-42.
Nalivkin V.D., Kuz'min V.I., Luk'yanova V.G. K issledovaniyu zakonomernostey proyavleniya diskretnosti v svoystvakh prirodnykh sistem [Contributions to the study of the laws of discontinuity manifestation in the natural systems properties]. In: Theoretical and methodological issues sedimentation cyclicity and oil and gas. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1988, p.13-19.
Perrodon A. Formirovanie i razmeshchenie mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza [Formation and distribution of oil and gas fields]. Moscow: Nedra, 1991, 359 p.
Shoell M. Genetic Characterization of Natural Gases. AAPG Bulletin, 1983, vol. 67, no. 12, p. 2225-2239.
Trofimuk A.A., Karogodin Yu.N., Movshovich E.B. Problemy sovershenstvovaniya ponyatiynoy bazy geologii nefti i gaza na primere ponyatiya «zona neftegazonakopleniya» [Problems of improving the conceptual framework of oil and gas geology on the example of the concept "oil and gas accumulation zone"]. Geologiya i geofizika, 1982, no. 5, p. 5-11.