Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 10_2017 submitted on 03/01/2017 displayed on website on 03/21/2017
20 p.
pdf  Study of petroleum source formations as a basis of oil and gas formation concept: ontological, philogenetical and ontogenetical aspects
Ontological, phylogenetical and ontogenetical aspects of petroleum source formations’ are analyzed. Petroleum source formation represents a space where petroleum formation processes take place. From a hierarchical point of view, petroleum source formation is an object of the matter organization of formational level. Petroleum source rock and organic matter are objects of lower hierarchical levels, which are included in petroleum formations as elements. Petroleum potential of the basin is determined by the quantity of petroleum formations of organic matter. Petroleum formations in the Late Proterozoic-Phanerozoic history of the Earth have undergone a certain evolution, connected primarily with the evolution of biocenoses. Nevertheless, the algal-plankton of various systematic groups remained the dominant of organic matter petroleum source formations. The ontogeny of petroleum source formations passed through all stages of lithogenesis. The generation and primary migration of hydrocarbons occurs in the catagenesis stage. The productivity of formations and the ratio of liquid and gases hydrocarbons are determined by the facial-genetic type of organic matter, which in turn determines the quantitative characteristics of petroleum potential of the regions.

Keywords: petroleum source formation, petroleum formation concept, organic matter, generation and migration of hydrocarbons, productivity of source formations.
article citation Bazhenova T.K. Uchenie o neftegazomaterinskikh svitakh kak osnova teorii neftegazoobrazovaniya (ontologicheskiy, filogeneticheskiy i ontogeneticheskiy aspekty) [Study of petroleum source formations as a basis of oil and gas formation concept: ontological, philogenetical and ontogenetical aspects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 1, available at:
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