Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 42_2018 submitted on 10/04/2018 displayed on website on 11/30/2018
16 p.
pdf Studying the possibility of hydratе formation and salt deposition in the bottom hole of wells of Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field
The actual problems of development of the Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field, related to the features of the geological characteristics of productive horizons and reservoir fluids, are considered. To compile recommendations for reducing the risks of natural gas production, the probability of hydrate formation and salt depositions is estimated using the example of the botuobinsky productive horizon.
The equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation are calculated based on the physicochemical properties of formation fluids. It is concluded that in the development and exploitation of the Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field due to an abnormally low reservoir temperature, in spite of the high mineralization of the formation water, it is possible to form gas hydrates. The minimum concentrations of a calcium chloride solution and a water-methanol solution that prevent hydrate formation at a characteristic reservoir temperature are determined. It is established that an increase in the mineralization of calcium chloride solutions leads to the concentration in the clathrate phase of C2-C4 hydrocarbons and to an increase the fat coefficient of gas. It is shown that mixing of highly mineralized formation waters with a water-methanol solution can lead to salt depositions in the bottom hole zone of wells.

Keywords: natural gas, hydrate formation, stratum water, mineralization, water-methanol solution, salt deposition, Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field, Nepа-Botuoba anteclise.
article citation Kalacheva L.P., Rozhin I.I., Sivtsev A.I. Izuchenie vozmozhnosti gidratoobrazovaniya i soleotlozheniya v prizaboynoy zone skvazhin Chayandinskogo neftegazokondensatnogo mestorozhdeniya [Studying the possibility of hydratе formation and salt deposition in the bottom hole of wells of Chayanda oil-gas-condensate field]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, available at:
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