Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 8_2018 submitted on 03/20/2018 displayed on website on 03/28/2018
22 p.
pdf  Complex approache to the depositional environment reconstruction of terrigenous rocks of the Parphenov reservoir unit of the Angara-Lena petroleum area and the B10 reservoir unit of the Nepa-Botuoba petroleum area (Lena-Tunguska Province)
The article deals with the application of the depositional environment reconstruction method based on well-log, core and literature data. This method allows to determine the sedimentation conditions of terrigenous rocks, as demonstrated by the Parphenov reservoir unit (Upper Chorska subformation) of the Angara-Lena petroleum area and the B10 reservoir unit (Nepa Formation) of the Nepa-Botuoba petroleum area (Lena-Tunguska Province). Parphenov and B10 reservoir units are the most explored in the investigated territories. The analysis allowed to determine four regional facies entities (alluvial, deltaic, coastal-continental and shallow-marine) with appropriate sedimentation conditions of each studied level and typical gamma logging footprint for each depositional environment area.

Keywords: well-log data, facies sedimentation conditions, Parphenov reservoir unit Angara-Lena petroleum area, B10 reservoir unit Nepa-Botuoba petroleum area, Lena-Tunguska Province.
article citation Bobkova E.V., Lobanova E.V. Kompleksnyy podkhod k vosstanovleniyu obstanovok osadkonakopleniya terrigennykh porod parfenovskogo gorizonta Angaro-Lenskoy i gorizonta B10 Nepsko-Botuobinskoy neftegazonosnykh oblastey [Complex approache to the depositional environment reconstruction of terrigenous rocks of the Parphenov reservoir unit of the Angara-Lena petroleum area and the B10 reservoir unit of the Nepa-Botuoba petroleum area (Lena-Tunguska Province)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 1, available at:
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