Regional petroleum geology
Article # 18_2019 | submitted on 05/27/2019 displayed on website on 06/25/2019 |
11 p. | Glazyrin E.A. |
Geomorphology and lithidonamics of submarine canyons as an engineering geological factor of hydrocarbon resources development (the Russian Black Sea sector) | |
Geomorphological and lithodynamic features of submarine canyons are considered on the example of the Black Sea canyons of Shahе and Mzymta. Sonar, echo-sounding, seismic acoustic profiling, underwater video surveillance and bottom sampling were used. Presents information about the structure, size and speed of advancement of the head parts of the canyons. Along the longitudinal profile of the canyons, the main geomorphological areas are distinguished — landslide domain (convex/linear), entrenched canyon (concave), channel levees, as well as adjacent areas deep sea fans and apron of sediment transport. It is shown that the selected areas have an individual character of lithodynamic processes and the development of dangerous geological processes, have their own features of the structure and composition of the upper part of the section of bottom sediments. The data and parameters of canyons define them as an important engineering and geological factor that requires a careful considering when designing petroleum engineering instalations on the seabed. Keywords: submarine canyon, geomorphological area, lithodynamic processes, Black Sea. |
article citation | Glazyrin E.A. Geomorfologiya i litodinamika podvodnykh kan'onov kak inzhenerno-geologicheskiy faktor osvoeniya uglevodorodnykh resursov (na primere Rossiyskogo sektora Chernogo morya) [Geomorphology and lithidonamics of submarine canyons as an engineering geological factor of hydrocarbon resources development (the Russian Black Sea sector)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 2, available at: |
DOI | |
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Brothers D.S., Brink U.S., Andrews B.D., Chaytor J.D., Twicheland D.C. Geomorphic process fingerprints in submarine canyons. Marine Geology, 2013, vol. 337, pp. 53-66.
Glazyrin E.A. Morfologiya i litodinamika kan'ona Mzymta, kak faktor vliyaniya na beregovuyu zonu Sochi [Morphology and lithodynamics of Mzymta canyon as the factor of influence on the shore area of Sochi]. Groznenskiy estestvennonauchnyi bulleten, 2018, vol. 3, no. 2 (10), pp. 16-25.
Glazyrin E.A., Maraev V.L. Podvodnye kan'ony Mzymty i Shakhe: morfologiya, litodinamicheskie protsessy [Underwater canyons: morphology, lithodynamic processes (using the example of the Mzymta and Shahe canyons]. Sistema Chernogo morya. Moscow: Scientific World, 2018, p. 84-105.
Gosudarstvennaya geologicheskaya karta Rossiyskoy Federatsii masshtaba 1:200 000. Izd. 2-e. Seriya kavkazskaya. List K-37-IV (Sochi). Ob"yasnitel'naya zapiska [State Geological Map of the Russian Federation at a scale of 1: 200 000. Izd. the 2-nd. Caucasian serie. Sheet K-37-IV (Sochi). Explanatory letter]. St. Petersburg, izd-vo SPb kartfabriki VSEGEI, 2000, 135 p.
Gosudarstvennaya geologicheskaya karta Rossiyskoy Federatsii masshtaba 1:200 000. Izdanie vtoroe. Seriya Kavkazskaya. Listy K-37-XV (Podvodnyy kan'on Mzymty), K-37-XVI (Abissal' 16). Ob"yasnitel'naya zapiska [State Geological Map of the Russian Federation at a scale of 1:200 000. Second edition. Caucasian serie. Sheets K-37-XV (Underwater canyon Mzymta), K-37-XVI (Abyssal 16). Explanatory letter]. St. Petersburg, Kartograficheskaya fabrika VSEGEI, 2015, 116 p.
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Imeretinskaya nizmennost'. Prirodno-geologicheskie usloviya, problemy osvoeniya [Imeretinskaya lowland. Geological conditions and development problems]. S.P. Lomov, S.P. Karchevskiy, S.P. Karpachev, P.S. Uvarova, S.P. Kul'din, S.P. Salmin, S.P. Shevtsov, S.P. Shchavelev, S. P. Kushneruk, I. Nikiforov; pod red. I.P. Balabanova. Moscow: OOO «Izdatel'skiy dom Nedra», 2011, 281 p.
Mazières A., Gillet H., Castelle B., Mulder T., Guyot C., Guyot C., Garlan T., Mallet C. High-resolution morphobathymetric analysis and evolution of Capbreton submarine canyon head (Southeast Bay of Biscay-French Atlantic coast) over the last decade using descriptive and numerical modeling. Marine Geology, 2014, vol. 351, p. 1-12.
Shepard F.P., Dill R.F. Submarine canyons and other sea valleys. Rand McNally, Chicago, Illinois, 1966, 381 p.
Brothers D.S., Brink U.S., Andrews B.D., Chaytor J.D., Twicheland D.C. Geomorphic process fingerprints in submarine canyons. Marine Geology, 2013, vol. 337, pp. 53-66.
Glazyrin E.A. Morfologiya i litodinamika kan'ona Mzymta, kak faktor vliyaniya na beregovuyu zonu Sochi [Morphology and lithodynamics of Mzymta canyon as the factor of influence on the shore area of Sochi]. Groznenskiy estestvennonauchnyi bulleten, 2018, vol. 3, no. 2 (10), pp. 16-25.
Glazyrin E.A., Maraev V.L. Podvodnye kan'ony Mzymty i Shakhe: morfologiya, litodinamicheskie protsessy [Underwater canyons: morphology, lithodynamic processes (using the example of the Mzymta and Shahe canyons]. Sistema Chernogo morya. Moscow: Scientific World, 2018, p. 84-105.
Gosudarstvennaya geologicheskaya karta Rossiyskoy Federatsii masshtaba 1:200 000. Izd. 2-e. Seriya kavkazskaya. List K-37-IV (Sochi). Ob"yasnitel'naya zapiska [State Geological Map of the Russian Federation at a scale of 1: 200 000. Izd. the 2-nd. Caucasian serie. Sheet K-37-IV (Sochi). Explanatory letter]. St. Petersburg, izd-vo SPb kartfabriki VSEGEI, 2000, 135 p.
Gosudarstvennaya geologicheskaya karta Rossiyskoy Federatsii masshtaba 1:200 000. Izdanie vtoroe. Seriya Kavkazskaya. Listy K-37-XV (Podvodnyy kan'on Mzymty), K-37-XVI (Abissal' 16). Ob"yasnitel'naya zapiska [State Geological Map of the Russian Federation at a scale of 1:200 000. Second edition. Caucasian serie. Sheets K-37-XV (Underwater canyon Mzymta), K-37-XVI (Abyssal 16). Explanatory letter]. St. Petersburg, Kartograficheskaya fabrika VSEGEI, 2015, 116 p.
Gubenkov V.V. Sovremennye erozionno-akkumulyativnye protsessy v abissali vostochnoy chasti Chernogo morya [Modern erosion-accumulative processes in abyssal of the east part Black Sea]. Geologiya morey i okeanov: materialy XVII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii (Shkoly) po morskoy geologii. Moscow, 2007, vol. IV, pp. 59-61.
Imeretinskaya nizmennost'. Prirodno-geologicheskie usloviya, problemy osvoeniya [Imeretinskaya lowland. Geological conditions and development problems]. S.P. Lomov, S.P. Karchevskiy, S.P. Karpachev, P.S. Uvarova, S.P. Kul'din, S.P. Salmin, S.P. Shevtsov, S.P. Shchavelev, S. P. Kushneruk, I. Nikiforov; pod red. I.P. Balabanova. Moscow: OOO «Izdatel'skiy dom Nedra», 2011, 281 p.
Mazières A., Gillet H., Castelle B., Mulder T., Guyot C., Guyot C., Garlan T., Mallet C. High-resolution morphobathymetric analysis and evolution of Capbreton submarine canyon head (Southeast Bay of Biscay-French Atlantic coast) over the last decade using descriptive and numerical modeling. Marine Geology, 2014, vol. 351, p. 1-12.
Shepard F.P., Dill R.F. Submarine canyons and other sea valleys. Rand McNally, Chicago, Illinois, 1966, 381 p.