Economy, information technology, resource management
Article # 33_2019 | submitted on 08/16/2019 displayed on website on 09/13/2019 |
16 p. | Filimonova I.V., Provornaya I.V. , Komarova A.V., Zemnukhova E.A. |
Sustainable trends in changing the regional structure of oil production in Russia | |
The article carried out a comprehensive study of sustainable trends in changing the regional structure of oil production in Russia. The analysis of the current state of the oil industry in Russia is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the transformation of the world energy supply system. The patterns of displacement of oil production centers are analyzed and the stages of oil production development in the country and the deployment of production activity are determined - the North Caucasus, the Volga-Ural, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, the Far East, including Sakhalin Island, and the Arctic area. An assessment of the current state of development of the oil industry in Russia is given. The main objects and priority tasks of prospecting, exploration and development of oil fields are highlighted. It is shown that the existing oil resource volume allows predicting fairly optimistic levels of oil production, however, the actual volume of oil production will depend on the buget allocation and volume of geological exploration, as well as the level of development of technologies for the developing of unconventional sources of hydrocarbons, especially oil from the Bazhenov Formation. The authors studied the prospects and made a forecast of changes in the regional structure of oil production in Russia for the long term. Keywords: structure oil production, Bazhenov Formation, Volga-Ural, Arctic, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, Far East. |
article citation | Filimonova I.V., Provornaya I.V., Komarova A.V., Zemnukhova E.A. Ustoychivye tendentsii izmeneniya regional'noy struktury dobychi nefti v Rossii [Sustainable trends in changing the regional structure of oil production in Russia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 3, available at: |
DOI | |
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