Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 35_2019 submitted on 06/20/2019 displayed on website on 10/04/2019
12 p.
pdf The relationship of the isotopic composition of organic matter carbon with its historical and genetic features (Siberian Platform)
The carbon isotopic composition of insoluble organic matter and synbitumoids (the sample of the latter is half the quantity of insoluble organic matter) of various biocenotic and facies-genetic types of organic matter is considered. The relationship between the carbon isotopic composition and the starting organic matter and the conditions of diagenesis was shown: the most isotopically “light” are the algoplanktonic sapropelites, the most “heavy” are the oxisorbosapropelites with a similar base. In algoplanktonbenthos sapropelites, the weighting of carbon occurs with an increase in the organic matter fraction of benthos - bottom brown algae Phaeophita. In algoplanktonic sapropelites and oxisorbosapropelites, a relationship is observed between the carbon isotopic composition and catagenesis, with the increase of it the carbon becomes heavier.

Keywords: carbon isotopic composition, organic insoluble matter, catagenesis of organic matter, Siberian platform.
article citation Bazhenova T.K., Golyshev S.I., Padalko N.L. Svyaz' izotopnogo sostava ugleroda organicheskogo veshchestva s ego istoriko-geneticheskimi osobennostyami (Sibirskaya platforma) [The relationship of the isotopic composition of organic matter carbon with its historical and genetic features (Siberian Platform)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 4, available at:
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