Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 28_2020 submitted on 07/15/2020 displayed on website on 08/31/2020
19 p.
pdf Collisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 1. Tectonics of the Western-Donetsk Graben
On the basis of the latest materials of geological mapping of dislocation complexes of the platform sedimentary cover, deformations of the riftogenic structure of the southeastern segment of the Dnieper-Donets Basin and the zone of its junction with the Donets Foldbelt were studied. Using the structural analysis of tectonite patterns of the Paleozoic complex of the West Donets Graben, taking into account the field definitions of the directions of tectonic movements along them, an attempt was made to identify the tectonic style and the systemic organization of collisional deformations. It is shown that fold deformations are in three structural levels identified in the Paleozoic graben cover - Hercynian, Laramian, and Attic, were controlled by thrust faults and uplift faults of the northern, northwestern, and southeastern strike azimuths with a significant component of horizontal displacements. A feature of inversion tectonics is the formation of dynamically conjugated lattices of thrusts and uplifts of the Late Hercynian and Alpine (Laramian and Attic phases) stages of tectogenesis, which control echeloned cover-thrust dislocations and linear, coulisse articulated uplift-folded.
The set of deformation structures and tectonite lattices controlling them is for the first time distinguished into a regional system of tectonic thrusting structures of repeatedly dislocated geomasses of sedimentary rocks from the southeast, from the Donets Foldbelt, to the northwest - onto the weakly dislocated syneclises like cover of the basin. The main structural element of the cover- folded system that determines the inversion tectonic style is the clinoform segment of tectonic wedging of geomasses. Its northeastern flank is formed by linear folded zones of open Paleozoic structures - Torsko-Drobishivskaya, North-Donets, Matrossko-Toshkovskaya, and the southwestern - by echelons of scaly folded covers. The axis of the segment is formed by the coulisse-articulated Petrovsko-Novotroitskaya, Velikokamyshevakhskaya, Druzhkovsko-Kostantinovskaya and Main uplift-anticlines.
The analysis of the systemic organization of collisional deformations made it possible to conclude that the riftogenic structure of the southeastern segment of the Dnieper-Donets Basin was destroyed at the inversion stages of structural evolution with the formation of the West Donets Cover-Folded Region. According to the style and intensity of deformations in its northern part, the Luhansk-Kamyshevakhsky Area of coulisse-articulated uplift-folding is distinguished, in the south - the Kalmius-Toretsky Area of scaly thrust covers.

Keywords: lattice of thrusts and uplifts faults, echelon of scaly thrust covers, coulisse-articulated uplift-folding, West Donets Cover-Folded Region.
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