Offshore hydrocarbon deposits
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Suprunenko О.I.
Article # 34_2020 submitted on 09/25/2020 displayed on website on 10/12/2020
14 p.
pdf Hydrocarbon resources potential and development prospects of the Behring Sea shelf and the Pacific Ocean joining the Eastern Kamchatka onshore area
The article highlights the main results of regional geological exploration carried out in the last decade in the Pre-Pacific petroleum province - offshore Behring Sea and the Pacific Ocean joining the Eastern Kamchatka onshore area .
Comparative assessment of hydrocarbons resources potential of this region is made based on the results of the research, that allowed to justify further directions of exploration.

Keywords: hydrocarbon resources potential, Pre-Pacific petroleum province, offshore Bering Sea, Pacific Ocean, Eastern Kamchatka onshore area.
article citation Bol'shakova N.V., Danil'ev S.M., Danil'eva N.A. Resursnyy potentsial uglevodorodov i perspektivy osvoeniya shel'fa Beringova morya, Tikhogo okeana i sopredel'noy territorii Vostochnoy Kamchatki [Hydrocarbon resources potential and development prospects of the Behring Sea shelf and the Pacific Ocean joining the Eastern Kamchatka onshore area]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at:
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