Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 35_2021 | submitted on 10/19/2021 displayed on website on 11/15/2021 |
20 p. | Lebedeva I.A., Karikh T.M., Kudamanov A.I. |
Generation conditions of super-reservoirs in YuV1 unit of the Vasyugan Formation, Western Siberia | |
During the period of increased tectonic activity in the area of the Bakhilov mega-shaft, conditions were created for the formation of supper reservoirs in terrigenous reservoirs of the YuV1 level Bakhilov oil and gas condensate field, which manifested itself in intensive hydrothermal driving activity of sandstones with already initially high values of filtration-capacity properties. Dissolution processes prevailed near the channels for the influx of thermal fluids, and at a distance from the channels too, as the temperature decreased and the solution became oversaturated with dissolution products, the processes of secondary mineral formation prevailed in an equally good reservoir. With the "extinction" of the impulse of tectonic activity - a decrease in the volume of hydrothermal fluids and, probably, temperature, the unloading of dissolved components took place in reservoirs located near the channels of fluid intake. The presence of supper reservoir interlayers in terrigenous reservoirs can have a critical impact on the reservoir development process, expressed in the accelerated watering of production wells, therefore, the areas of distribution of supper reservoirs must be identified and mapped. Keywords: supper reservoir, YuV1 unit Vasyugan Formation, Bakhilov oil and gas condensate field, Western Siberia. |
article citation | Lebedeva I.A., Karikh T.M., Kudamanov A.I. Usloviya formirovaniya superkollektorov plastov gorizonta YuV1 Vasyuganskoy svity (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Generation conditions of supper reservoirs in YuV1 unit of the Vasyugan Formation, Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, available at: |
DOI | |
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