Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Article # 16_2022 submitted on 05/20/2022 displayed on website on 06/15/2022
14 p.
pdf Deformation processes during the development of hydrocarbon accumulations and their influence on the formation productivity
The article presents the results of the analysis of time changes in the development parameters of a number of fields in the Apsheron oil and gas region (South Caspian basin). Taking into account world experience, it is substantiated that a significant drop (below hydrostatic) in reservoir pressures as a result of long-term development of fields is accompanied by a deterioration in reservoir properties of rocks. It is shown that technologically induced deformations of reservoir rocks affect their permeability to a greater extent, contributing to a decrease in well productivity. It is shown that the degree of depletion of various production facilities in the fields of the Apsheron oil and gas region is not the same, which is recommended to be taken into account when determining the strategy for their additional development.

Keywords: oil and gas fields, long-term development, petroleum reservoir pressure, rock deformation, reservoir properties of rocks, well productivity, Apsheron oil and gas region, South Caspian basin.
article citation Feyzullaev A.A., Godzhaev A.G., Mamedova I.M. Deformatsionnye protsessy pri razrabotke zalezhey uglevodorodov i ikh vliyanie na produktivnost' plasta [Deformation processes during the development of hydrocarbon accumulations and their influence on the formation productivity]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 2, available at:
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