Regional petroleum geology
Article # 19_2022 submitted on 05/25/2022 displayed on website on 07/01/2022
16 p.
pdf Integrated use of satellite imagery and geophysical data in forecast studies for oil and gas (western part of Bukharo-Khiva region)
The article highlights the results of studies on the refinement of the regional structural plan and the search for local structural petroleum traps in the western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region. The features of the placement of search objects and the nature of their expression on satellite imagery data are considered. Objects of very different quality were analyzed: known structures (removed from drilling, prepared and identified), objects identified by seismic surveys. The structures and faults established by the interpretation determined the nature of the distribution of sedimentation-accumulation, the latest faults caused the formation of fracture zones, which improved the reservoir properties of the rocks. A comprehensive analysis of geological and geophysical data and structural interpretation made it possible to establish the relationship and interdependence of tectonic elements, to identify patterns in its structure and distribution of elements of oil and gas exploration interest. The main purpose of the research is to identify the criteria for regional and local structures bearing the productive petroleum levels of the sedimentary cover.

Keywords: satellite imagery data, geological and geophysical data, structural hydrocarbon trap, productive hydrocarbon level, western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region.
article citation Mukhutdinov N.U., Khozhiev B.I., Karshiev O.A., Bikeeva L.R., Yuldasheva M.G. Kompleksnoe ispol'zovanie materialov kosmicheskikh s"emok i geofizicheskikh dannykh pri prognoznykh issledovaniyakh na neft' i gaz (zapadnaya chast' Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona) [Integrated use of satellite imagery and geophysical data in forecast studies for oil and gas (western part of Bukharo-Khiva region)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 3, available at:
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