Geochemical research
Article # 25_2022 submitted on 07/01/2022 displayed on website on 08/16/2022
13 p.
pdf The oil geology and geochemistry of Sorokin swell Permian and Carboniferous fields (Timan-Pechora petroleum province)
The results of geochemical studies concerning oils from Permian and Carboniferous fields of the Sorokin swell of the Varandey-Adzva structural zone of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province are presented. The reservoirs represented by carbonate of Carboniferous and Lower Permian age are characterized by good and medium reservoir properties - the type of reservoirs is mainly fractured- and secondary- pore. Based on our data, it was found that the oils were formed in the parent carbonate-clay strata with a significant contribution of algal source organic matter. It is likely that the Visean-age oil is generated by Silurian-Lower Devonian strata. The thermal maturity of the oils corresponds to the MK2 gradation of the transformation of the rocks organic matter.

Keywords: oil field, Paleozoic strata, reservoir properties, oil geochemistry, Varandey-Adzva structural zone, Timan-Pechora petroleum province.
article citation Valyaeva O.V., Ryabinkina N.N., Bushnev D.A. Geologiya i geokhimiya neftey permskikh i kamennougol'nykh zalezhey mestorozhdeniy vala Sorokina Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [The oil geology and geochemistry of Sorokin swell Permian and Carboniferous fields (Timan-Pechora petroleum province)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 3, available at:
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