Regional petroleum geology
Article # 32_2022 submitted on 08/10/2022 displayed on website on 10/03/2022
28 p.
pdf The heat flow properties and petrographically composition of the Paleozoic basement (the south-eastern part of Western Siberia)
This paper continues comprehensive research on the reasons of heat flow variations in the South-Eastern part of Western Siberia. The purpose of the study is to identify qualitatively and quantitatively the relationship between the heat flow properties and petrographically composition of the basement, which is characterized by specific thermophysical properties – thermal conductivity and radioactive heat production.
The values of heat flow from the basement are calculated in 433 exploration wells. The sketch map of heat flow density in the west of Tomsk Region is built on the base of this data.

Keywords: heat flow variations, petrographically composition of the basement, thermal conductivity, density of radioactive heat generation, the west of Tomsk Region, South-Eastern part of Western Siberia.
article citation Krutenko D.S. Teplovoy potok i veshchestvennyy sostav paleozoyskogo fundamenta (yugo-vostok Zapadnoy Sibiri) [The heat flow properties and petrographically composition of the Paleozoic basement (the south-eastern part of Western Siberia)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 4, available at:
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