Geochemical research
Article # 36_2022 submitted on 09/21/2022 displayed on website on 10/20/2022
14 p.
pdf Geochemical features of primary migration of microoil in petroleum source rocks of the Western Siberian petroleum basin
The paper presents the results of geochemical studies of n-and i-alkane hydrocarbons C8-35 bitumoids isolated from open and closed pores of different ages rocks of petroleum source formations of the Western Siberian petroleum basin containing dispersed organic matter of various facies-genetic types. Two groups of oil and gas generating rocks have been distinguished, differing in the qualitative composition and quantitative content of alkane hydrocarbons C8-35 in open and closed pores: the first group is that their content is higher in the closed pores than in the open pores; the second - the content of alkane hydrocarbons C8-35 in open pores is greater than in closed pores. An analysis of the quantitative and characteristics of C8-35 n- and i-alkanes in both groups showed that at present, generation and primary migration of C8-35 alkane hydrocarbons continues in high-bituminous clayey rocks of the Jurassic-Cretaceous strata of the Western Siberian petroleum basin.

Keywords: petroleum source rocks, microoil, n- and i-alkanes hydrocarbons C8-35, primary migration, open and closed pores, Western Siberian petroleum basin.
article citation Chistyakova N.F. Geokhimicheskie osobennosti pervichnoy migratsii alkanovykh uglevodorodov S8-35 v neftegazomaterinskikh formatsiyakh Zapadno-Sibirskogo neftegazonosnogo basseyna [Geochemical features of primary migration of microoil in petroleum source rocks of the Western Siberian petroleum basin]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 4, available at:
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