Regional petroleum geology
Article # 9_2022 submitted on 04/06/2022 displayed on website on 04/18/2022
17 p.
pdf Geodynamic criteria for forecasting of oil and gas accumulations in complex constructed reservoirs
The article considers the problem of forecasting hydrocarbon accumulations in the poorly studied and promising territory of the northern surrounding of the Siberian Platform. The application of modern geodynamics in the search for hydrocarbon accumulations in complex reservoirs is shown. The consequences of the movement of individual volumes of the sedimentary cover are various types of geodynamic stresses (or local geodynamic conditions), which are reflected in the features of the territory's relief. It is noted that accumulations of hydrocarbons gravitate towards areas with a typical morphostructural appearance. In this paper, the geodynamic criterion for detecting deep geological objects with hydrocarbons is the individual shape of river channels in the research area. With this type of geodynamic stresses, the riverbed abruptly changes the direction of the flow and is close in shape to a “pushed out block”. The identified geodynamic shift settings are compared with the results of alternative studies of oil and gas potential. A detailed study of prospective accumulations in the identified local shear settings is proposed.

Keywords: geodynamic criteria, complex constructed reservoirs, oil and gas bearing region, hydrocarbon accumulations, geodynamic stresses, relief morphostructural appearance, northern surrounding of the Siberian Platform.
article citation Sidorchuk E.A., Dobrynina S.A. Geodinamicheskie kriterii prognoza neftegazovykh skopleniy v slozhnopostroennykh rezervuarakh [Geodynamic criteria for forecasting of oil and gas accumulations in complex constructed reservoirs]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 2, available at:
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