Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Article # 10_2023 submitted on 01/10/2023 displayed on website on 02/16/2023
15 p.
pdf Methodological approach for local prediction of the petroleum bearing Paleozoic-Mecozoic strata of the Yamal Peninsula on the basis of complex geophysical investigations
On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of various geophysical studies, when assessing the prospects for the petroleum bearing Paleozoic-Mesozoic strata, a pattern recognition technique was used. The contours of 24 hydrocarbon accumulations identified in the interval of different stratigraphic levels participated as reference objects. The selection of areas similar to the standards was carried out according to three groups of data - the results of the analysis of potential area, the structural factor and the data of remote sensing of the Earth.
As a result, integrated maps of oil and gas potential prospects were compiled, on which prospective objects identified earlier on the basis of 2D, 3D seismic data were placed.

Keywords: potential area, pattern recognition technique, reference object, prospective object, integral map of oil and gas potential prospects, Yamal Peninsula.
article citation Smirnov O.A., Borodkin V.N., Lukashov A.V., Plavnik A.G., Trusov A.I. Metodicheskiy podkhod pri lokal'nom prognoze neftegazonosnosti paleozoysko-mezozoyskikh otlozheniy poluostrova Yamal na baze kompleksirovaniya geofizicheskikh issledovaniy [Methodological approach for local prediction of the petroleum bearing Paleozoic-Mecozoic strata of the Yamal Peninsula on the basis of complex geophysical investigations]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, available at: EDN: JFOLQC
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