Petroleum potential and development
Article # 40_2023 submitted on 07/06/2023 displayed on website on 10/30/2023
24 p.
pdf Assessment of oil resources and ranking of prospective areas of the Bazhenov Formation related geological risks and uncertainties
In assessing the probability of geological success, a five-factor model proposed for a conventional oil system is generally used. As applied to the unconventional Bazhenov reservoir, the number of factors can be reduced to three. The main risks immanent to the unconventional hydrocarbon system of the Bazhenov Formation were considered for the southern part of the Priob field. To localize the perspective areas the parameters based on which the risk schemes were built were selected. The oil resources of the perspective objects of the Bazhenov-Abalak Formations were estimated by deterministic and probabilistic methods. The resulting deterministic estimate is close in value to the optimistic probabilistic estimate. Probabilistic estimation of resources and the amount of its uncertainty, as well as the probability of geological success were used to rank perspective zones.

Keywords: geological risk, hydrocarbon system, Bazhenov Formation, geological uncertainty, probabilistic assessment, ranking of promising area.
article citation Oksenoyd Е.Е., Popovskaya V.G., Sidorov A.A., Demichev P.S., Khalilov S.А. Otsenka resursov nefti i ranzhirovanie perspektivnykh uchastkov bazhenovskoy svity s uchetom geologicheskikh riskov i neopredelennostey [Assessment of oil resources and ranking of prospective areas of the Bazhenov Formation related geological risks and uncertainties]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 4, available at: EDN: KTLZBF
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