Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 4_2023 submitted on 12/05/2022 displayed on website on 01/30/2023
19 p.
pdf Traces of volcanogenic-hydrothermal processes in Upper Cretaceous clay-siliceous strata of Western Siberia
The article is devoted to certain aspects of the composition, structure and others features of the formation of the Late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Western Siberian Plate. Microgranular levels are characterized by low thickness (in total, as a rule, a few hundreds of meters) and consistent composition over an area of about 2 million km2. As a result of a detailed study in thin sections, in clay-siliceous rocks (from Cenomanian to Campanian), fragments of volcanic glass and acute-angled grains of quartz and feldspars of silty granulation were found. Additionally, according to the determination of the chemical composition of the rocks by the X-ray fluorescence method, in the Upper Cretaceous section, periodically layer-by-layer enrichment with high-ferruginous varieties - sideritolitic or glauconitic clays was revealed. The values of the Strakhov's Modulus ((iron + manganese)/titanium) for such enrichment layers exceed 25 (sometimes up to 100-200 or more), which indicates the influence of volcanogenic-hydrothermal processes on the sedimentation of these rocks. The association of authigenic minerals (smectites, glauconite, opal, zeolites) widely represented in the clay-siliceous sequence corresponds to the concept of "camouflaged pyroclastics". In addition, manifestations of muscovite-quartz metasomatites (vein type, up to 3-4 cm) were found in the Santonian rocks. The listed actually established characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous section of Western Siberia undeniably testify to the real contribution to sedimentation and lithogenesis of volcanogenic-hydrothermal processes.

Keywords: clay-siliceous rock, muscovite-quartz metasomatite, volcanogenic-hydrothermal processe, Upper Cretaceous of Western Siberia.
article citation Kudamanov A.I., Karikh T.M. Sledy proyavleniya vulkanogenno-gidrotermal'nykh protsessov v glinisto-kremnistykh otlozheniyakh verkhnego mela Zapadnoy Sibiri [Traces of volcanogenic-hydrothermal processes in Upper cretaceous clay-siliceous strata of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, available at: EDN: QMQQEB
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