Regional petroleum geology
Article # 25_2024 submitted on 07/02/2024 displayed on website on 09/10/2024
15 p.
pdf Marginal systems of ancient platforms - the main centers of hydrocarbon generation
The marginal parts of ancient platforms are characterized by increased thicknesses of sedimentary section. The thickness of the sedimentary cover varies from 1-2 km to 5-8 km. Discoveries of the last decades prove the great petroleum potential of the marginal parts of ancient platforms, the oil and gas content of which is known in a wide stratigraphic interval. In general, two types of marginal systems are distinguished: active and passive. The longest stage of formation of marginal systems falls on the passive stage, in the conditions of which a large volume of organic and rock material is accumulated. An important factor in assessing the oil and gas content of marginal systems is the contact time, which can lead to the destruction of formed hydrocarbon systems. This article presents a lateral model of the sedimentary cover structure of marginal systems.

Keywords: sedimentary cover, marginal system of the ancient platform, hydrocarbons generation, petroleum potential of the platform marginal system.
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