Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 2_2024 submitted on 02/27/2024 displayed on website on 03/15/2024
14 p.
pdf Changes in the structure of void spaces in Jurassic strata under conditions of hydrothermal alteration on the Krasnoleninsk Arch, West Siberian basin
As a result of studies of the Bazhenov Formation prospects, underestimated reservoir properties were revealed in the Tyumen Formation sandstones; and in the basal level overlying the basement rocks or weathering crust, the porosity and permeability properties are increased. Petrographic observations, confirmed by X-ray studies, showed the sealing of the intergranular spaces of the Tyumen Formation sandstones, manifested by the regeneration of quartz and leaching products, such as silica minerals, and less commonly, sulfates and carbonates, which occurred as a result of the hydrothermal alteration. The leaching processes took place in the underlying strata – the basal level and basement rocks as a result of the dissolution of unstable minerals and the removal of mineral matter, forming intergranular and intercrystal porosity. The processes of conductive and convective heat and mass transfer in the overlying promising Bazhenov Formation are confirmed not only by the transformation of organic matter but also by secondary dolomitization.

Keywords: Tyumen Formation, Bazhenov Formation, basal level, basement rocks, secondary processes, hydrothermal solution, conductive and convective heat and mass transfer, Krasnoleninsk Arh, West Siberian basin.
article citation Zagranovskaya D.E., Korobov A.D. Izmenenie struktury pustotnogo prostranstva v yurskikh otlozheniyakh v usloviyakh gidrotermal'noi prorabotki na territorii krasnoleninskogo svoda Zapadno-Sibirskogo basseina changes in [Changes in the structure of void spaces in Jurassic strata under conditions of hydrothermal alteration on the Krasnoleninsk Arch, West Siberian basin]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 1, available at: EDN: BDIWMG
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