Hard-extracted reserves, unconventional hydrocarbon sources
Article # 39_2024 submitted on 10/07/2024 displayed on website on 12/16/2024
27 p.
pdf Thermal cracking - key parameter for increasing rock permeability
The thermal cracking and rock permeability enlarging are important key parameters controlling the flow capacity. Strictly impermeable rocks (igneous rocks, gneiss, quartz sandstone, etc) during the burial type of deformation (yo-yo tectonics with multiple cycles of burial and exhumation in several tectonic settings like orogen, collisional orogen, wrench area, back-arc depression, back-arc rift and intercontinental rift) can reach temperatures exceeding 350-400C. Within this thermal range the thermal cracking metamorphism can become very active and intensive. At this stage affecting rock can even reach permeability values characteristic of semi-pervious rocks.
During exhumation, the fabric and PT adaptation process (retromorphism like) begins in the buried rock. As the retromorphism like process is rarely complete we can observe some rocks on the field that at first glance seem to belong to impervious class. The same rocks after being tested in laboratory during petroleum or other exploration activity may show specific permeability values that lead us to place them in the semi-pervious permeability class.

Keywords: permeability, thermal cracking, yo-yo tectonic, retromorphism like process, semi-pervious rock.
article citation Morariu D., Averyanova O.Yu. Thermal cracking - key parameter for increasing rock permeability. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 4, available at: https://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2024/39_2024.html EDN: SXHRPQ
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