Grinko A.A.
Graduated from Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky (2008), specialization "chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials".
PhD in Chemistry.
Researcher at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Area of scientific interest: organic geochemistry, petroleum chemistry.
Author of 20 publications.
Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 6_2019 | submitted on 02/06/2019 displayed on website on 02/28/2019 |
20 p. | Kashapov R.S., Oblasov N.V., Goncharov I.V., Samoylenko V.V., Grinko A.A., Trushkov P.V., Fadeeva S.V. |
Determination of source rocks kinetic parameters using the destruction pyrolysis method | |
Theoretical basis and geothermal conditions of source rock (Bazhenov Formation, South Surgut area, Western Siberia) pyrolysis destruction kinetic experiment were discussed. Data for calculation of Arrhenius constant and obtaining the kinetic distribution of source rocks generation potential was considered step by step. Obtained values about of source rock generating potential during natural thermal evolution was compared with the kinetic model data. The using kinetic model was adjusted by shifting the distribution of the generation potential towards higher activation energies. Keywords: kinetic model, Bazhenov Formation, Rock-Eval method, pyrolysis, Arrhenius constant, activation energy. |
article citation | Kashapov R.S., Oblasov N.V., Goncharov I.V., Samoylenko V.V., Grinko A.A., Trushkov P.V., Fadeeva S.V. Opredelenie kineticheskikh parametrov piroliticheskoy destruktsii organicheskogo veshchestva neftegazomaterinskikh porod [Determination of source rocks kinetic parameters using the destruction pyrolysis method]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/2_2019.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/6_2019 |
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Goncharov I.V., Samoylenko V.V., Oblasov N.V., Fadeeva S.V., Veklich M.A., Kashapov R.S., Trushkov P.V., Bakhtina E.S. Tipy i katagenez organicheskogo veshchestva bazhenovskoy svity i ee vozrastnykh analogov [Types and catagenesis of the Bazhenov Formation organic matter and its analogues age]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2016, no. 10, p. 20-25.
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Behar F., Lorant F., Lewan M. Role of NSO compounds during primary cracking of a Type II kerogen and a Type III lignite // Organic geochemistry, 2008, vol. 39, p. 1-22. Behar F., Vandenbroucke M., Tang Y., Marquis F., Espitalie J. Thermal cracking of kerogen in open and closed systems: determination of kinetic parameters and stoichiometric coefficients for oil and gas generation // Organic geochemistry, 1997, vol. 26, p. 321-339.
Chen Z., Liu X., Guo Q., Jiang C., Mort A. Inversion of source rock hydrocarbon generation kinetics from Rock-Eval data // Fuel, 2017, p. 91-101.
Espitalie J., Marquis F., Drouet S. Critical Study of Kinetic Modelling Parameters // Basin Modelling: Advances and Applications: Special Publication v. 3 A.G. Dore, J.H. Augustson, C. Hermanrud, D.J. Steward and O. Sylta, eds. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Norwegian Petroleum Society, 1993, p. 233-242.
Glebovskaya E.A. Opyty po termodestruktsii OV v plane izucheniya protsessov katageneticheskikh prevrashcheniy ROV v prirode [Experiments on thermal destruction of organic matter in terms of studying the processes of catagenetic transformations of dispersed organic matter in rocks]. Issledovanie katageneticheskikh prevrashcheniy OV. Trudy VNIGRI, 1974, no. 353, p. 8-25.
Goncharov I.V., Kashapov R.S., Samoylenko V.V., Oblasov N.V., Trushkov P.V. K voprosu o pogreshnostyakh metoda Rock-Eval [About the Rock-Eval method mistakes]. Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal prikladnykh i fundamental'nykh issledovaniy, 2015, p. 866-873.
Goncharov I.V., Samoylenko V.V., Oblasov N.V., Fadeeva S.V., Veklich M.A., Kashapov R.S., Trushkov P.V., Bakhtina E.S. Tipy i katagenez organicheskogo veshchestva bazhenovskoy svity i ee vozrastnykh analogov [Types and catagenesis of the Bazhenov Formation organic matter and its analogues age]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2016, no. 10, p. 20-25.
Lopatin N.V., Vassoevich N.B., Kozlov A.L. Obrazovanie gazov na raznykh etapakh litogeneza [Gas formation at different petrogenesis stages]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya «Geologiya», 1979, no. 1, p. 35-43.
Neruchev S.G. Gazoobrazovanie pri katageneze organicheskogo veshchestva osadochnykh porod [Gas generation during catagenesis of organic matter in sedimentary rocks.]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1983, 164 p.
Peters K.E., Burnham A.K., Walters C.C., Schenk O. Guidelines for kinetic input to petroleum system models from open-close pyrolysis // Marine and Petroleum Geology (2017). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.11.024
Rogozina E.A. O veroyatnykh kolichestvakh uglevodorodnykh gazov, generirovannykh organicheskim veshchestvom yursko-neokomskikh otlozheniy Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [About probable amounts of hydrocarbon gases generated by the organic matter of the Jurassic-Neocomian rokcs of the West Siberian Lowland]. BNTI, 1967, no.3, p. 15-20.
Romanovskiy B.V. Osnovy khimicheskoy kinetiki [Basics of Chemical Kinetics]. Moscow: Ekzamen, 2006, 416 p.