Ilinsky A.A.
Graduated from Leningrad Mining Institute, specialization «economics of mining industry» (1974).
PhD in economics, professor.
Works with VNIGRI as deputy director.
Area of scientific interest: analysis and forecast of development efficiency of hydrocarbon resources, development of reform programs of fuel and energy complex; economic evaluation of resources and strategic planning of oil and gas production.
Author of more than 200 publications, including 11 monographs.
Founder and leader of the scientific school: "Geological and economic evaluation and strategic planning for innovative development of oil and gas industry."
Article # 33_2017 | submitted on 09/11/2017 displayed on website on 09/29/2017 |
7 p. | Ilinsky A.A., Tan Xuwei |
Sustainable development of oil-producing fields based on the marginal accumulations | |
The concept of «marginal object» is considered. The criteria for identifying and assessing the industrial significance of marginal oil fields are identified. Specific targets for the sustainable development of the complex associated with the development of marginal oil reserves have been developed.
Keywords: marginal oil fields, industrial importance, sustainable development. |
article citation | Ilinsky A.A., Tan Xuwei. Formirovanie mekhanizma ustoychivogo razvitiya neftedobyvayushchego kompleksa na baze marginal'nykh mestorozhdeniy [Sustainable development of oil-producing fields based on the marginal accumulations]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/33_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/33_2017 |
Il'inskiy A.A., Mnakatsanyan O.S., Cherepovitsyn A.E. Neftegazovyy kompleks Severo-Zapada Rossii: strategicheskiy analiz i kontseptsii razvitiya [Oil and gas complex of the North-West of Russia: strategic analysis and development concepts]. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 2008, 476 p. |
Article # 36_2008 | submitted on 09/19/2008 displayed on website on 09/23/2008 |
14 p. | Ilinsky A.A., Shamalov Yu.V. |
Strategic priorities of developing the oil-gas complex of Russia in present conditions | |
The present state of the Russian oil and natural gas resource base is considered; the major indices of developing the oil-gas complex during recent years, including hydrocarbon production and reserve additions, are shown. The major problems slackening the intensive and balanced development of the Russia oil and gas branch are established. The major lines of developing the resource base of oil-gas producing industry and also industrial and transport infrastructure are determined. The necessity of introducing the innovation programs of oil and natural gas complex processing and also developing the technologies of enhancing oil recovery and others is justified Key words: strategic initiatives, oil-gas complex, forecast hydrocarbon resource. |
article citation | Ilinsky A.A., Shamalov Yu.V. Strategic priorities of developing the oil-gas complex of Russia in present conditions // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/36_2008.pdf |
Article # 16_2008 | displayed on website on 04/01/2008 |
27 p. | Ilinsky A.A., Kotelnikov S.A., Antipina (Sapozhnikova) E.I. |
Economic and legal problems of forming the cadastre of hydrocarbon strategic reserve of Russia | |
The tendencies of hydrocarbon power engineering development and the criteria and scenarios of steady development of oil and gas production in Russia are determined. The mechanism of forming the strategic reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials with taking into consideration the expenses and risks of their forming is justified. Some suggestions on the normative–legal regulation of licensing of the objects prospective for including them in the reserve fund are considered. The methodology of forming the cadastre of reserve areas (fields) ranked by resource size and investment attractiveness is justified
Key words: strategic reserve of hydrocarbon raw materials, active and passive fund of state reserves, cadastre of reserve areas (fields). |
article citation | Ilinsky A.A., Kotelnikov S.A., Sapozhnikova E.I. Economic and legal problems of forming the cadastre of hydrocarbon strategic reserve of Russia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/16_2008.pdf |