Krylov A.A.
Graduated from St. Petersburg State University (1996), Geological Faculty, Lithology and Marine Geology Department.
Associate Professor of the Sedimentary Geology Department, St. Petersburg State University; Senior Researcher of the Geological Mapping Department, VNIIOkeangeologia.
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Area of scientific interests: lithology, geochemistry of stable isotopes, authigenic carbonate formation, geology of the Arctic, paleoclimatology.
Author of 63 publications.
Article # 40_2018 | submitted on 09/19/2018 displayed on website on 11/12/2018 |
25 p. | Morgunova I.P., Semenov P.B., Krylov A.A., Kursheva A.V., Litvinenko I.V., Malyshev S.A., Minami H., Hachikubo A., Zemskaya T.I., Khlystov O.M. |
Hydrocarbon molecular markers in bottom sediments of focused fluid discharge zones of Lake Baikal | |
The detailed research of the dispersed organic matter of Lake Baikal bottom sediments including analysis of hydrocarbon molecular markers – n-alkanes, isoprenoids, terpanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has been carried out. The distribution of homologues of n-alkanes and their ratios in bottom sediments of the Posol bank-2, where mud breccias, gas-hydrates (bottom stations St1GT3, St1GT8) and authigenic carbonates (St1GT3) were detected, has shown an input of the highly transformed organic matter to the surface sediments likely due to the erosion and redeposition of sediments of the last glacial maximum extension age. Molecular composition of dispersed organic matter of the Ostrov site sediments (St3GC4) attested to the normal type of deposition not influenced by migration processes. Increased values of С12-С21 n-alkanes with an even maximum at С16 have been detected in sediments of station St18GC6 collected near the thermogenic methane seep (Kedr mud volcano), and together with the presence of the low transformed hopane structures (hop-17(21)-enes and hop-13(18)-enes) can testify to the methanotrophic and concomitant chemoorganotrophic microorganisms development in sediments. Keywords: dispersed organic matter, bottom sediments, hydrocarbon molecular markers, gas-hydrates, methane, focused fluid discharge, mud volcano, Lake Baikal. |
article citation | Morgunova I.P., Semenov P.B., Krylov A.A., Kursheva A.V., Litvinenko I.V., Malyshev S.A., Minami H., Hachikubo A., Zemskaya T.I., Khlystov O.M. Uglevodorodnye molekulyarnye markery v donnykh osadkakh zon fokusirovannoy razgruzki flyuidov ozera Baykal [Hydrocarbon molecular markers in bottom sediments of focused fluid discharge zones of Lake Baikal]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2018/40_2018.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/40_2018 |
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Article # 8_2017 | submitted on 12/19/2016 displayed on website on 03/13/2017 |
21 p. | Krylov A.A., Khlystov O.M., Hachikubo A., Minami H., Pogodaeva T.V., Zemskaya T.I., Krzhizhanovskaya M.G., Muzafarova L.E., Atanyazov R.Zh. |
Mechanism of authigenic rhodochrosite formation in the near-bottom sediments of the Saint-Petersburg-2 gas-hydrate-bearing structure (central basin of the Baikal Lake) | |
Gas-hydrate-bearing fluid discharge areas are generally marked with authigenic carbonates. The latter can be formed in result of methane oxidation/generation, destruction of organic matter or the mixing of these processes. In most cases, the history of carbonates generation can be steadily reconstructed based on the isotopic data. This article discussed the mechanism of rhodochrosite crystallization, rhodochrosite which was discovered for the first time in the near-bottom sediments of the Baikal Lake gas-hydrate-bearing structures (the St. Petersburg-2 structure). The rhodochrosite formation is related to the cause of its formation were the microbial degradation of organic matter in the zone of methane generation.
Keywords: authigenic carbonates, rhodochrosite, the methane, gas-hydrate-bearing structure, Lake Baikal. |
article citation | Krylov A.A., Khlystov O.M., Hachikubo A., Minami H., Pogodaeva T.V., Zemskaya T.I., Krzhizhanovskaya M.G., Muzafarova L.E., Atanyazov R.Zh. Mekhanizm formirovaniya autigennogo rodokhrozita v pripoverkhnostnykh osadkakh gazogidratonosnoy struktury Sankt-Peterburg-2 v tsentral'noy kotlovine ozera Baykal [Mechanism of authigenic rhodochrosite formation in the near-bottom sediments of the Saint-Petersburg-2 gas-hydrate-bearing structure (central basin of the Baikal Lake)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/12/8_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/8_2017 |
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