Pyataev A.A.
Graduated from Saratov State University (1983), specialization "geology and exploration of oil and gas fields".
PhD in Geology and Mineralogy.
Chief geologist of Geosystems LLC.
Area of scientific interests: analysis and generalization of geological and geophysical materials of the Far Saratov Trans-Volga region, the Caspian Depression, the Buzuluks Depression, the Zhigulevsk-Pugachev Arch, the Melekess Depression, the Ryazan-Saratov Depression in order to substantiate the prospects of oil and gas potential and the search for oil and gas deposits in these territories; assessment of oil and gas prospects in the southwestern part of the Buzuluk depression and the Paleozoic complex of the Caspian and Timan-Pechora oil and gas fields; development of programs and projects for exploration in the search and evaluation of mineral deposits; preparation of projects and feasibility study for the development of oil and gas fields.
Article # 4_2021 | submitted on 02/12/2021 displayed on website on 02/26/2021 |
18 p. | Abramov V.Yu., Pyataev A.A. |
The possibility of hydrocarbon systems formation by thermometamorphical genesis and the role of hydrothermal super critical fluids | |
Using the example of supercritical fluids of carbon dioxide and water acssociation from the standpoint of supercritical fluid extraction of organic substances from sedimentary rocks and supercritical cracking of hydrocarbons, the possibility of formation of accumulations of hydrocarbons of magmatic and thermometamorphic genesis is substantiated. Keywords: supercritical fluids of carbon dioxide and water, formation of hydrocarbon accumulation, supercritical cracking of hydrocarbons. |
article citation | Abramov V.Yu., Pyataev A.A. Vozmozhnost' formirovaniya uglevodorodnykh sistem termometamorficheskogo genezisa i rol' gidrotermal'nykh sverkhkriticheskikh flyuidov [The possibility of hydrocarbon systems formation by thermometamorphical genesis and the role of hydrothermal super critical fluids]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2021/4_2021.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/4_2021 |
Abramov V.Yu. Formirovanie khimicheskogo sostava podzemnykh vod v ekstremal'nykh termodinamicheskikh usloviyakh (na primere Nagutskogo mestorozhdeniya uglekislykh mineral'nykh vod) [The chemical composition of groundwater in extreme thermodynamic conditions (for example of the Nagut field of carbonic mineral waters)]. Nedropol'zovanie XXI vek, 2013, no. 5, pp. 67-71.
Abramov V.Yu. Formirovanie organicheskogo sostava uglekislykh mineral'nykh vod Essentukskogo i Nagutskogo mestorozhdeniy [Formation of the organic composition of carbonic mineral waters of the Essentuki and Nagut fields]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2014, no.5, pp. 47-51.
Abramov V.Yu., Borevskiy B.V., Ershov G.E., Yazvin A.L. Opyt pereotsenki zapasov i prognoznykh resursov mineral'nykh vod Essentukskogo i Beshtaugorskogo mestorozhdeniy [Experience in reassessment of reserves and inferred resources of mineral waters of the Essentuki and Beshtaugor fields]. Nedropol'zovanie XXI vek, 2013, no. 5, pp. 37-45.
Abramov V.Yu., Borevskiy B.V., Lizogubov V.A., Yazvin A.L. Novyy vzglyad na formirovanie resursov i termo-gazokhimicheskogo sostava uglekislykh mineral'nykh vod Essentukskogo i Nagutskogo mestorozhdeniy [A new look at the formation of resources and thermo-gas-chemical composition of carbon dioxide mineral waters of the Essentuki and Nagut fields]. Geologicheskaya evolyutsiya vzaimodeystviya vody s gornymi porodami: trudy Vserossiyskoy konferentsii s uchastiem inostrannykh uchenykh, Tomsk, 2012, pp. 288-192.
Abramov V.Yu., Pyataev A.A. O roli gidrotermal'nykh sverkhkriticheskikh flyuidov v formirovanii zalezhey uglevodorodnykh sistem magmaticheskogo i termometamorficheskogo genezisa [On the role of hydrothermal supercritical fluids in the formation of hydrocarbon systems of magmatic and thermometamorphic genesis]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2020, no. 5, pp. 57-63.
Abramov V.Yu., Vavichkin A.Yu. Osobennosti formirovaniya termogazokhimicheskogo sostava mineral'nykh vod Essentukskogo mestorozhdeniya [Features of the formation of the thermogas-chemical composition of mineral waters of the Essentuki field]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr. - 2010. - №10. - S.27-32.
Armannsson H., Fridriksson T., Gudfinnsson G.H., Ólafsson M., Óskarsson F., Thorbjörnsson D. IDDP - The chemistry of the IDDP-01 well fluids in relation to the geochemistry of the Krafla geothermal system, Gеotermics, 2014, no. 49, pp. 66-75. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2013.08.005
Balitskiy V.S., Bondarenko G.V., Pironon Zh., Penteley S.V., Balitskaya L.V., Golunova M.A., Bublikova T.M. O prichinakh vertikal'noy zonal'nosti raspredeleniya uglevodorodov v nedrakh zemli: eksperimental'nye dokazatel'stva krekinga syroy nefti v vysokotemperaturnykh vodno-uglevodorodnykh flyuidakh [On the causes of vertical zoning of hydrocarbon distribution in the Earth's interior: experimental evidence of crude oil cracking in high-temperature hydrocarbon fluids]. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2013, no. 2, pp. 39-60.
Borts B.V., Kazarinov Yu.G., Neklyudov I.M., Sirenko S.A., Skoromnaya S.F., Tkachenko V.I. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie obrazovaniya (mikro)kapel' iz rastvora vody v sverkhkriticheskom diokside ugleroda [Experimental study of the formation of (micro) droplets from a water solution in supercritical carbon dioxide]. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2013, no. 2, pp. 68-76.
Gumerov F., Yarullin R. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy i SKF-tekhnologii [Supercritical fluids and SCF technologies]. The Chemical Journal, 2008 (Oct), pp. 26-30.
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 41st edition. Cleveland, Ohio, Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., 1959, 2303-2305.
Krapivner R.B., Abramov V.Yu. Proiskhozhdenie unikal'noy geokhimicheskoy anomalii v zone perekhoda ot kontinenta k okeanu mezhdu Sval'bardom i khrebtom Knipovicha [Origin of a unique geochemical anomaly in the continent-to-ocean transition zone between Svalbard and the Knipovich Ridge]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 2015, no. 5, pp. 408-419.
Lifshits S.Kh., Chalaya O.N. Vozmozhnyy mekhanizm obrazovaniya nefti v potoke sverkhkriticheskogo flyuida na primere dioksida ugleroda [Possible mechanism of oil formation in a supercritical fluid flow by the example of carbon dioxide]. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2010, no. 2, pp. 44-55.
Livshits S.Kh. Mekhanizm obrazovaniya nefti v sverkhkriticheskom potoke glubinnykh flyuidov [The mechanism of oil formation in a supercritical flow of deep fluids]. Vestnik RAN, 2009, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 261-265.
Uglevodorody v neftyanoy geokhimii. Teoriya i praktika [Hydrocarbons in petroleum geochemistry. Theory and practice]. G.N. Gordadze. Moscow: RGU nefti i gaza im. I.M. Gubkina, 2015, 559 p.
Vostrikov A.A., Shishkin A.V., Fedyaeva O.N., Sokol M.Ya. Obrazovanie goryuchikh gazov pri vzaimodeystvii vol'frama i tsirkoniya so sverkhkriticheskim flyuidom H2O/CO2 [Formation of combustible gases in the interaction of tungsten and zirconium with a supercritical fluid H2O/CO2]. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2012, no. 4, pp. 95-103.
Abramov V.Yu. Formirovanie organicheskogo sostava uglekislykh mineral'nykh vod Essentukskogo i Nagutskogo mestorozhdeniy [Formation of the organic composition of carbonic mineral waters of the Essentuki and Nagut fields]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2014, no.5, pp. 47-51.
Abramov V.Yu., Borevskiy B.V., Ershov G.E., Yazvin A.L. Opyt pereotsenki zapasov i prognoznykh resursov mineral'nykh vod Essentukskogo i Beshtaugorskogo mestorozhdeniy [Experience in reassessment of reserves and inferred resources of mineral waters of the Essentuki and Beshtaugor fields]. Nedropol'zovanie XXI vek, 2013, no. 5, pp. 37-45.
Abramov V.Yu., Borevskiy B.V., Lizogubov V.A., Yazvin A.L. Novyy vzglyad na formirovanie resursov i termo-gazokhimicheskogo sostava uglekislykh mineral'nykh vod Essentukskogo i Nagutskogo mestorozhdeniy [A new look at the formation of resources and thermo-gas-chemical composition of carbon dioxide mineral waters of the Essentuki and Nagut fields]. Geologicheskaya evolyutsiya vzaimodeystviya vody s gornymi porodami: trudy Vserossiyskoy konferentsii s uchastiem inostrannykh uchenykh, Tomsk, 2012, pp. 288-192.
Abramov V.Yu., Pyataev A.A. O roli gidrotermal'nykh sverkhkriticheskikh flyuidov v formirovanii zalezhey uglevodorodnykh sistem magmaticheskogo i termometamorficheskogo genezisa [On the role of hydrothermal supercritical fluids in the formation of hydrocarbon systems of magmatic and thermometamorphic genesis]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2020, no. 5, pp. 57-63.
Abramov V.Yu., Vavichkin A.Yu. Osobennosti formirovaniya termogazokhimicheskogo sostava mineral'nykh vod Essentukskogo mestorozhdeniya [Features of the formation of the thermogas-chemical composition of mineral waters of the Essentuki field]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr. - 2010. - №10. - S.27-32.
Armannsson H., Fridriksson T., Gudfinnsson G.H., Ólafsson M., Óskarsson F., Thorbjörnsson D. IDDP - The chemistry of the IDDP-01 well fluids in relation to the geochemistry of the Krafla geothermal system, Gеotermics, 2014, no. 49, pp. 66-75. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2013.08.005
Balitskiy V.S., Bondarenko G.V., Pironon Zh., Penteley S.V., Balitskaya L.V., Golunova M.A., Bublikova T.M. O prichinakh vertikal'noy zonal'nosti raspredeleniya uglevodorodov v nedrakh zemli: eksperimental'nye dokazatel'stva krekinga syroy nefti v vysokotemperaturnykh vodno-uglevodorodnykh flyuidakh [On the causes of vertical zoning of hydrocarbon distribution in the Earth's interior: experimental evidence of crude oil cracking in high-temperature hydrocarbon fluids]. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2013, no. 2, pp. 39-60.
Borts B.V., Kazarinov Yu.G., Neklyudov I.M., Sirenko S.A., Skoromnaya S.F., Tkachenko V.I. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie obrazovaniya (mikro)kapel' iz rastvora vody v sverkhkriticheskom diokside ugleroda [Experimental study of the formation of (micro) droplets from a water solution in supercritical carbon dioxide]. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2013, no. 2, pp. 68-76.
Gumerov F., Yarullin R. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy i SKF-tekhnologii [Supercritical fluids and SCF technologies]. The Chemical Journal, 2008 (Oct), pp. 26-30.
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 41st edition. Cleveland, Ohio, Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., 1959, 2303-2305.
Krapivner R.B., Abramov V.Yu. Proiskhozhdenie unikal'noy geokhimicheskoy anomalii v zone perekhoda ot kontinenta k okeanu mezhdu Sval'bardom i khrebtom Knipovicha [Origin of a unique geochemical anomaly in the continent-to-ocean transition zone between Svalbard and the Knipovich Ridge]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 2015, no. 5, pp. 408-419.
Lifshits S.Kh., Chalaya O.N. Vozmozhnyy mekhanizm obrazovaniya nefti v potoke sverkhkriticheskogo flyuida na primere dioksida ugleroda [Possible mechanism of oil formation in a supercritical fluid flow by the example of carbon dioxide]. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2010, no. 2, pp. 44-55.
Livshits S.Kh. Mekhanizm obrazovaniya nefti v sverkhkriticheskom potoke glubinnykh flyuidov [The mechanism of oil formation in a supercritical flow of deep fluids]. Vestnik RAN, 2009, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 261-265.
Uglevodorody v neftyanoy geokhimii. Teoriya i praktika [Hydrocarbons in petroleum geochemistry. Theory and practice]. G.N. Gordadze. Moscow: RGU nefti i gaza im. I.M. Gubkina, 2015, 559 p.
Vostrikov A.A., Shishkin A.V., Fedyaeva O.N., Sokol M.Ya. Obrazovanie goryuchikh gazov pri vzaimodeystvii vol'frama i tsirkoniya so sverkhkriticheskim flyuidom H2O/CO2 [Formation of combustible gases in the interaction of tungsten and zirconium with a supercritical fluid H2O/CO2]. Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2012, no. 4, pp. 95-103.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 10_2020 | submitted on 03/06/2020 displayed on website on 03/30/2020 |
15 p. | Pyataev A.A. |
Petroleum bearing prospect in the south-eastern part of the Ryazan-Saratov fore-deep based on the data of the Svintsov depression | |
The Saratov Volga region is one of the oldest petroleum regions in the vast Volga-Ural petroleum province, within which numerous gas, gas condensate and oil fields have been discovered in Devonian and Carboniferous terrigenous-carbonate sections. Many fields are multi-layer. However, the geological structure and prospects for discovering hydrocarbon accumulations within the Svintsov depression and its surroundings remain unclear. Based on the analysis of the results of geological exploration of the previous years, we can confidently assume the possibility of discovering oil and gas accumulations in the Devonian terrigenous-carbonate, the prospects of which have been proved everywhere within the adjacent territories of the Ryazan-Saratov fore-deep and Stepnov ridge. The geological characteristics of the Vorobyov, Ardat, Timan-Pash, Semiluky-Sargaev petroleum bearing Formations are presented. A description of the promising identified and prepared structures is given. A geological and economic assessment of the development of promising resources has been carried out. Keywords: Devonian terrigenous-carbonate sections, oil and gas accumulations, petroleum bearing prospect, Svintsov depression, Ryazan-Saratov fore-deep, Volga-Ural petroleum Province. |
article citation | Pyatayev A.A. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti yugo-vostochnoy chasti Ryazano-Saratovskogo megaprogiba na primere Svintsovskoy vpadiny [Petroleum bearing prospect in the south-eastern part of the Ryazan-Saratov fore-deep based on the data of the Svintsov depression]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2020/10_2020.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/10_2020 |
Adler M.G., Aliev M.M., Batanova G.P., Lyashenko A.I., Mikhaylova N.A., Nazarenko A.M., Novozhilova S.I., Tyurikhin A.M., Fedorova T.I., Khachatryan R.O. Devonskie otlozheniya Volgo-Ural'skoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii[Devonian section of the Volga-Ural petroleum Province]. Moscow: Nedra, 1978, 216 p.
Ezdrin M.B. K otsenke perspektiv gazoneftenosnosti paleozoya Saratovsko-Volgogradskogo Povolzh'ya [Assessment of the prospects of the Paleozoic gas-oil content of the Saratov-Volgograd Volga area]. Leningrad: NILneftegaz, 1963, 354 p.
Gabrielyan G.A. Geologiya neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy [Geology of oil and gas fields]. Moscow: Nedra, 1979, 326 p.
Geokhimicheskie, neftegazopoiskovye issledovaniya v Evropeyskoy chasti SSSR [Geochemical, oil and gas exploration studies in the European part of the USSR]. Moscow: Nedra, 1975, 156 p.
Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' Saratovskogo Povolzh'ya [Geology and oil and gas potential of the Saratov Volga region]. Saratov: Izdatel'stvo NV NIIGG, trudy NV NIIGG, 1967, issue 10, 202 p.
Kleshchev K.A., Shein V.S. Neftyanye i gazovye mestorozhdeniya Rossii: Spravochnik v dvukh knigakh. Kniga pervaya – Evropeyskaya chast' Rossii [Oil and gas fields of Russia]. Moscow: VNIGNI, 2010, 832 p.
Sklovskiy A.M., Volokh A.G., Karpov P.A., Kondrat'eva M.G., Lyashenko A.I., Fedorova T.I., Shevchenko V.I. Devonskie otlozheniya zapadnoy chasti Severokaspiyskogo neftegazonosnogo basseyna [Devonian of the western part of the North Caspian petroleum basin]. Leningrad: NILneftegaz, 1963, 354 p.
Standarty otsenki, obyazatel'nye k primeneniyu sub"ektami otsenochnoy deyatel'nosti [Valuation standards required by the subjects of valuation activities]. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF, 6.07.2001, no. 519.
Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya i usloviya formirovaniya zalezhey nefti i gaza Volgo-Ural'skoy i Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnykh provintsii [Patterns of habitat and conditions for the formation of oil and gas accumulations of the Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora petroleum provinces]. Nizhnee Povolzh'e, Moscow: Nedra, 1975, vol. VII, 296 p.
Ezdrin M.B. K otsenke perspektiv gazoneftenosnosti paleozoya Saratovsko-Volgogradskogo Povolzh'ya [Assessment of the prospects of the Paleozoic gas-oil content of the Saratov-Volgograd Volga area]. Leningrad: NILneftegaz, 1963, 354 p.
Gabrielyan G.A. Geologiya neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy [Geology of oil and gas fields]. Moscow: Nedra, 1979, 326 p.
Geokhimicheskie, neftegazopoiskovye issledovaniya v Evropeyskoy chasti SSSR [Geochemical, oil and gas exploration studies in the European part of the USSR]. Moscow: Nedra, 1975, 156 p.
Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' Saratovskogo Povolzh'ya [Geology and oil and gas potential of the Saratov Volga region]. Saratov: Izdatel'stvo NV NIIGG, trudy NV NIIGG, 1967, issue 10, 202 p.
Kleshchev K.A., Shein V.S. Neftyanye i gazovye mestorozhdeniya Rossii: Spravochnik v dvukh knigakh. Kniga pervaya – Evropeyskaya chast' Rossii [Oil and gas fields of Russia]. Moscow: VNIGNI, 2010, 832 p.
Sklovskiy A.M., Volokh A.G., Karpov P.A., Kondrat'eva M.G., Lyashenko A.I., Fedorova T.I., Shevchenko V.I. Devonskie otlozheniya zapadnoy chasti Severokaspiyskogo neftegazonosnogo basseyna [Devonian of the western part of the North Caspian petroleum basin]. Leningrad: NILneftegaz, 1963, 354 p.
Standarty otsenki, obyazatel'nye k primeneniyu sub"ektami otsenochnoy deyatel'nosti [Valuation standards required by the subjects of valuation activities]. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF, 6.07.2001, no. 519.
Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya i usloviya formirovaniya zalezhey nefti i gaza Volgo-Ural'skoy i Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnykh provintsii [Patterns of habitat and conditions for the formation of oil and gas accumulations of the Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora petroleum provinces]. Nizhnee Povolzh'e, Moscow: Nedra, 1975, vol. VII, 296 p.