Shiryaev A.A.

Graduated from Tyumen Oil and Gas University (2012), specialization "oil and gas geology".
Leading Specialist of the branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, KogalymNIPIneft, Tyumen, Russia.
Area of scientific interests: geology of oil and gas in Russia, the waters of the Barents and Kara Seas.
Author of 5 publications.
Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Article # 17_2023 submitted on 03/06/2023 displayed on website on 05/12/2023
15 p.
pdf Sedimentation analysis of the Middle Jurassic strata of Western Siberia in order to construct an alternative geological model of hydrocarbon accumulations
For the Middle Jurassic strata, including of the Yu2 and Yu3 levels, characterized by abnormally high reservoir pressures, a sedimentological model is presented, the ranking of sedimentation conditions by sedimentation cycles with the separation of channel facies is performed. The latter, according to attribute analysis, are traced within the study area and are characterized by improved reservoir properties, abnormally high reservoir pressures and high productivity.

Keywords: Middle Jurassic strata, sedimentation analysis, channel facies, abnormally high reservoir pressures, Western Siberia.
article citation Borodkin V.N., Smirnov O.A., Teplyakov A.A., Shiryaev A.A., Shimanskiy V.V. Sedimentatsionnyy analiz sredneyurskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri s tsel'yu postroeniya al'ternativnoy geologicheskoy modeli zalezhey uglevodorodov [Sedimentation analysis of the Middle Jurassic strata of Western Siberia in order to construct an alternative geological model of hydrocarbon accumulations]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 2, available at: EDN: QDNKNL
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