Yartiev A.F.
Graduated with honors rom Gubkin Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas, specialization 'economics and organization of oil and gas industry' (1991).
PhD in economics.
Head of the department of economy development and production of the Tatar Oil Research and Designed Institute (TatNIPIneft) of the Tatneft Joint Stock Company.
Area of scientific interest: exploration economics and development of oil fields, effectiveness analysis of enhanced oil recovery methods.
Author of 130 publications, 9 monographs, 12 industry leading documents and author's certificate N 2172396.
Article # 14_2015 | submitted on 03/24/2015 displayed on website on 04/10/2015 |
14 p. | Yartiev A.F. |
Taxation in the oil industry: history, prospects and efficiency for subsoil users | |
The history of taxation in the oil industry is examined; the tax burden is estimated. The prospects for change in the system of taxation of subsoil users and efficiency of the development of oil object are analyzed.
Keywords: taxation, oil tax, mineral extraction tax, export duty, tax burden, tax on financial result, tax on additional income. |
article citation | Yartiev A.F. Nalogooblozhenie neftedobyvayushchey promyshlennosti: istoriya, perspektivy, effektivnost' dlya nedropol'zovatelya [Taxation in the oil industry: history, prospects and efficiency for subsoil users]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/14_2015.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/14_2015 |
The Finance Ministry has criticized the replacement of mineral extraction tax by tax on financial result [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://top.rbc.ru/business/15/03/2015/5505d2a99a79478722ceff5d. |
Article # 18_2014 | submitted on 12/09/2013 displayed on website on 04/02/2014 |
10 p. | Yartiev A.F. |
Application of streaming method for oil production forecast in the medium term | |
The impact of the streaming method on promising and sustainable development of oil industry by changing the basis of the mineral extraction tax is examined. Reducing tax burden on subsoil user may increase the income of investor and current assets directed towards the innovative development of oil production.
Keywords: streaming method, tax burden, mineral extraction tax, oil production, investment in oil production. |
article citation | Yartiev A.F. Primenenie potokovogo metoda dlja prognozirovanija dobychi nefti na srednesrochnuju perspektivu [Application of streaming method for oil production forecast in the medium term]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/18_2014.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/18_2014 |
Forrester Dzh. Mirovaya dinamika [World dynamics]. Translated by A. Voloshchuk, S. Negov. M.: AST, TerraFantastica, 2003, 384 p.
Laffer A. The Economics of the Tax Revolt: A Reader with Jan P. Seymour, 1979.
Mani L. Transport, energetika i budushchee [Transport, energy and the future]. Translated from English. Moscow: Mir, 1987, 160 p.
Yartiev A.F. Ekonomicheskaya otsenka proektnykh resheniy innovatsionno-investitsionnykh vlozheniy dlya neftyanoy promyshlennosti [Economic evaluation of design decisions of innovations and investments for the oil industry]. Moscow: VNIIOENG, 2011, 232 p.
Yartiev A.F. Ekonomicheskaya otsenka proektnykh resheniy pri razrabotke neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy dlya pozdney stadii ekspluatatsii [Economic evaluation of design decisions in the development of oil fields for the late stage of operation]. M.: VNIIOENG, 2006, 160 p.
Yartiev A.F. Sovershenstvovanie potokovogo metoda v razvitii metodologii upravleniya osnovnymi parametrami innovatsionnykh protsessov v neftedobyche [Improving the streaming method in the development methodology of management of basic parameters of innovation processes in oil production]. Problemy ekonomiki i upravleniya neftegazovym kompleksom, 2011, no. 9.
Article # 12_2012 | submitted on 10/19/2011 displayed on website on 02/13/2012 |
12 p. | Yartiev A.F. |
Optimizing management procedures for improvement of oil production efficiency in the context of micro- and macroeconomics | |
Optimizing of activities of oil production enterprises aimed at improving their efficiency is carried out using organizational and economic control methods, implemented through management procedures (including methodological, organizational, technological, economic, and regulatory methods), as well as the state participation in the development and promotion of research-and-development projects. Implementation of two-level management system is necessary in the context of microeconomics.
Key words: management procedures, innovation use, tax legislation and regulations, research and development. |
article citation | Yartiev A.F. Sovershenstvovanie upravlencheskikh mekhanizmov povysheniya effektivnosti dobychi nefti na mikro- i makrourovnyakh [Optimizing management procedures for improvement of oil production efficiency in the context of micro- and macroeconomics]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/12_2012.pdf |
Sbornik vremennykh normativnykh pokazateley udel'nykh kapital'nykh vlozheniy v neftedobyvayushchey promyshlennosti na 1991-1995 gg. i na period do 2005 g. [Collection of temporary regulatory indicators of specific capital investments in oil industry in 1991-1995 and for a period up to 2005]. Moscow: VNIIOENG, 1990.
Yartiev A.F. Ekonomicheskaya otsenka proektnykh resheniy innovatsionno-investitsionnykh vlozheniy dlya neftyanoy promyshlennosti [Economic evaluation of draft decisions of innovative investments for oil industry]. Moscow: VNIIOENG, 2011, 232 p.
Article # 42_2011 | submitted on 09/26/2011 displayed on website on 10/14/2011 |
17 p. | Yartiev A.F. |
Improvement of evaluation of resources extraction tax considering viscosity of produced oil | |
As a result of economic analysis, improved procedure for calculation of natural resources extraction tax considering viscosity of the in-place oil, geologic settings and production characteristics is discussed. The new procedure will allow increasing of the ultimate oil recovery and significant budgetary revenues.
Key words: oil production tax, oil recovery factor, net profit value, oil production, oil viscosity, internal rate of return, profitability index, payback, state discounted revenue. |
article citation | Yartiev A.F. Improvement of evaluation of resources extraction tax considering viscosity of produced oil // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2011. - V.6. - #4. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/42_2011.pdf |
Article # 11_2013 | |
11 p. | Yartiev A.F. |
Evaluation of economic efficiency of carbonate reservoirs development: case study from Romashkino oil field | |
Carbonate reservoirs are characterized by rapid water breakthrough to producing wells due to vertical and areal heterogeneities, low reservoir quality, presence of natural fractures, increased oil viscosity, and low GOR. Cost-effective development of carbonate reservoirs can be only achieved using state-of-the-art enhanced oil recovery methods combined with economic drilling.
Key words: oil reserves, oil production, CAPEX, OPEX, taxation system, EOR efficiency. |
article citation | Yartiev A.F. Otsenka ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti razrabotki karbonatnykh otlozheniy Romashkinskogo neftyanogo mestorozhdeniya [Evaluation of economic efficiency of carbonate reservoirs development: case study from Romashkino oil fieldy]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/11_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/11_2013 |