Mikheeva A.I.


Graduated from MGRI named after S. Ordzhonikidze (2001), specialization "geological engineering".
Head of the sector of the All-Russian Research Geological Petroleum Institute.
Area of scientific interests: lithology and stratigraphy of the Devonian and Carboniferous complexes of the Volga-Urals and Cis-Urals trough.
Author of 18 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 36_2023 submitted on 09/13/2023 displayed on website on 09/29/2023
28 p.
pdf Structure, prospects of and potentiality of the Upper Visean - Lower Bashkirian oil and gas bearing carbonate belonging to the southeastern part of the Volga-Ural petroleum province
The Orenburg region is one of the oldest oil and gas producing regions in Russia and has varying degrees of field depletion. Due to the intensity of exploration and development of predominantly structural traps, the need arose to increase the raw material base through the search and exploration of non-structural objects. One of the important productive petroleum bearing strata in the study area are the Upper Visean - Lower Bashkir carbonates.
Based on layer-by-layer sedimentological interpretation of drilling data, biostratigraphical analysis and identification of sedimentary cyclites, well sections were subdivided and correlated, typical sections of various sedimentary zones were compiled and thin-layered models were developed that ran across the strike of facies zones and characterized the spatial relationship of genetic types of sequences. The types of seismic recordings characteristic of the strata of each facies zone were substantiated, a geological interpretation was carried out using a reference network of seismic profiles, and seismic facies maps were constructed for each productive level. Based on these data, lithologic-facies maps and prospect maps of each productive level were developed, and unified oil-prospecting zones were identified for the entire strata as a whole.
The study revealed that the formation of the Upper Visean - Lower Bashkirian carbonate petroleum bearing strata in most of the study area occurred in a shallow-water basin of normal salinity with a rugged paleorelief, which determined the full range of facies settings for carbonate accumulation: from lagoons to the lower parts of the slopes of paleotroughs. The presence of reef structures of the barrier system, forward and rear reef trains, rear algal reefs, as well as layers and lenses of clastic limestones of mobile waters of the closed shelf, is a factor of sedimentation prerequisites for the formation of complexly screened (lithological and structural-lithological) hydrocarbon traps in this territory. In addition, of particular interest are the structural and lithological traps in the clinoforms of the side part of the Cis-Ural trough, with which the future prospects of this area are associated.

Keywords: Upper Visean - Lower Bashkirian carbonate strata, non-structural hydrocarbon trap, clinoform, oil and gas potential, Orenburg region, southeastern part of the Volga-Ural petroleum Province.
article citation Mikheeva A.I. Stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti otlozheniy verkhnevizeysko-nizhnebashkirskogo karbonatnogo kompleksa yugo-vostochnoy chasti Volgo-Ural'skoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [Structure, prospects of and potentiality of the Upper Visean - Lower Bashkirian oil and gas bearing carbonate belonging to the southeastern part of the Volga-Ural petroleum province]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/36_2023.html EDN: QOZRQN
   Fortunatova N.K. Otlozheniya podvodnykh konusov vynosa - novyy ob"ekt poiskov zalezhey nefti i gaza v karbonatnykh formatsiyakh [Subsea taper strata are a new target for prospecting for petroleum accumulations in carbonate formations]. Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 1993, no. 3, pp. 8-14.
   Fortunatova N.K. Sedimentatsionnye modeli karbonatnykh konusov vynosa-novykh nefteperspektivnykh ob"ektov [Sedimentation models of carbonate fans of new oil prospects]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2007, no. 2, pp. 61-70.
   Myazina N.G., Kuz'mina V.V. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika svoystv nefti mestorozhdeniy Orenburgskoy oblasti [Comparative characteristics of oil properties from fields in the Orenburg region]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya, 2015, no. 3 (28), pp. 57-64.
   Stratigrafiya nizhnego karbona Volgo-Ural'skogo subregiona (materialy k aktualizatsii stratigraficheskoy skhemy) [Stratigraphy of the Lower Carboniferous of the Volga-Ural subregion (materials for updating the stratigraphic scheme)]. N.K.    Fortunatova, E.L. Zaytseva, M.A. Bushueva, T.E. Ermolova, A.I. Mikheeva, A.A. Stupak, A.V. Baranova, L.I. Kononova, D.A. Mamontov, S.I. Kharchenko, A.A. Avdeeva, A.S. Kanev, N.V. Evdokimov, T.Yu. Shishkina, A.G. Volodina, N.Yu. Kholmyanskaya, M.S. Kravchenko, M.S. Afanas'eva, I.O. Evdokimova. Moscow: VNIGNI, 2023, 288 p.
   Zaytseva E.L., Fortunatova N.K., Shvets-Teneta-Guriy A.G., Kartseva O.A., Bushueva M.A., Baranova A.V., Agafonova G.V., Mikheeva A.I., Rakhimova E.V. Problemy stratigrafii verkhnedevonskikh i nizhnekamennougol'nykh otlozheniy zapada Volgo-Ural'skoy provintsii [Problems of stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous strata of the Western Volga-Ural petroleum Province]. Verkhniy paleozoy Rossii: regional'naya stratigrafiya, paleontologiya, geo- i biosobytiya: materialy III Vserossiyskogo soveshchaniya. St. Petersburg: VSEGEI, 2012, pp. 94-96.
Petroleum potential and development
Article # 42_2022 submitted on 08/29/2022 displayed on website on 11/04/2022
76 p.
pdf Perspectives for oil and gas Paleozoic bearing strata on the junction area of the Pre-Caspian and Volga-Ural petroleum Provinces
The junction zone of such large tectonic structures as the Volga-Ural anteclise, Precaspian depression and Pre-Ural foredeep is characterized by a very complex tectonic structure, history of geological development and formation at different phases of diverse paleogeomorphological settings and related sedimentary petroleum bearing strata.
Within the limits of territory of research, corresponding to southern and southeast part of Volga-Ural and north of Pre-Caspian petroleum Province for the last eleven years 73 accumulations have been discovered. Rate productivity of all Paleozoic cover beginning from Middle Devonian (Biysk level) up to Lower Permian has been established. Total number of accumulations in this zone is more than 160 in the Russian part and 14 in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, among which oil accumulations prevail, oil-gas condensate and gas reservoirs are also discovered.
The complex Paleozoic paleorelief caused diversity of sedimentation conditions, formation of sedimentary bodies of different composition and genesis: single and barrier reefs, carbonate clinoforms, avandeltaic sand and sandy-siltstone-clay sequenceses, shallow carbonate and sandy bar, representing independent lithological HC traps.
On the basis of complex lithologic-stratigraphic and sedimentological analysis of drilling and seismic data, sedimentary models of different zones of paleobasin were developed for Lower Devonian potentially petroleum bearing, Middle Devonian Eifelian, Middle-Upper Devonian Givetian - Lower Frasnian, Upper Devonian - Tournaisian, Upper Visean - Lower Bashkirian and Middle Carboniferous - Lower Permian petroleum bearing strata. Various types of lithological and stratigraphic traps are distinguished, the characteristics of reservoir types and their content in the sections of sedimentary bodies are given. Geological and geophysical standard of well sections for sedimentary structures of different genesis are compiled. Prospective zones containing objects of lithological type are distinguished.

Keywords: sedimentation model, Paleozoic paleobasin, seismical-stratigraphic analysis, type of lithological HC traps, promising zone and lithological type objects, perspectives for oil and gas Paleozoic bearing strata, Volga-Ural anteclise, Pre-Ural fordeep, Pre-Caspian basin.
article citation Fortunatova N.K., Kanev A.S., Ermolova T.E., Bushueva M.A., Mikheeva A.I., Stupak A.A., Belousov G.A., Gorodkov A.B., Petersil'e V.I., Shvets-Teneta-Guriy A.G., Kholmyanskaya N.Yu., Volodina A.G. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti paleozoyskikh otlozheniy pribortovoy zony sochleneniya Prikaspiyskoy i Volgo-Ural'skoy neftegazonosnykh provintsiy [Perspectives for oil and gas Paleozoic bearing strata on the junction area of the Pre-Caspian and Volga-Ural petroleum Provinces]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2022/42_2022.html
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/42_2022
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Fortunatova N.K., Shvets-Teneta-Guriy A.G., Gumarov R.K., Il'in V.D., Agafonova G.V., Baranova A.V., Farbirovich V.P., Mikheev I.G. Sedimentologicheskoe modelirovanie karbonatnykh osadochnykh kompleksov [Sedimentological modeling of carbonate structures]. Editor N.K. Fortunatovoy. Moscow: NIA-Priroda, 2000, 249 p.
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Fortunatova N.K., Zaytseva E.L., Bushueva M.A., Shvets-Teneta-Guriy A.G., Baranova A.V., Kononova L.I., Rakhimova E.V., Mikheeva A.I., Oleneva N.V., Avdeeva A.A. Unifitsirovannaya subregional'naya stratigraficheskaya skhema verkhnedevonskikh otlozheniy Volgo-Ural'skogo subregiona. Ob"yasnitel'naya zapiska [Unified subregional stratigraphic scheme of the Upper Devonian strata of the Volga-Ural subregion. Explanatory note]. Editors N.K. Fortunatova, S.M. Shik. Moscow: FGBU «VNIGNI», 2018, 64 p.
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