Zherlygin A.L.
Graduated from Saint Petersburg State Mining University, specialization "geological surveying, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits".
Postgraduate student of St. Petersburg State Mining University, historical and dynamic geology Department.
Junior researcher of VNIGRI.
Research interests: petroleum geology, lithology.
Author of 5 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 16_2011 | submitted on 04/06/2011 displayed on website on 04/27/2011 |
18 p. | Zherlygin A.L., Shishlov S.B., Zhuravlev A.V., Vevel Ya.A. |
Structure and genesis history of Kara-Silovoyahsky devonian organogenic complex (southeastern Pai-Khoi) | |
New data about the size, shape, composition and structural features of the Devonian organogenic complex (Kara Silova-Yakha interfluve, southeastern Pai-Khoi) are presented. The interpretation of these features is related together with reconstruction of genesis history of this organogenic complex, under the influence of the transgressive-regressive phases of the paleobasin evolution. The study results can be used in geological mapping and in core analysis of wells of the Pre-Urals Trough, where prospective hydrocarbon reservoirs are related to the brecciated aprons, produced by crushing and fracturing of such organogenic structures.
Key words: Pai-Khoi, the Devonian period, conodonts, organogenic complex, lithotypes, genesis history, morpho-litho-stratigraphic unit. |
article citation | Zherlygin A.L., Shishlov S.B., Zhuravlev A.V., Vevel Ya.A. Stroenie i istoriya formirovaniya Kara-Silovoyakhskogo devonskogo organogennogo massiva (yugo-vostochnyy Pay-Khoy) [Structure and genesis history of Kara-Silovoyahsky devonian organogenic complex (southeastern Pai-Khoi)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/16_2011.pdf |