Khramov A.N.
Graduated from Leningrad State University, specialization «geophysics»
Have been working with VNIGRI since 1951.
PhD in geology and mineralogy (1968).
Professor (1979).
Head of the department of stratigraphy of oil and gas provinces. The laboratory is one of the three centers in the world (Russia, USA, Australia), which organizes and constantly updates the computer bank of the world paleomagnetic data.
Author and coauthor of more than 200 publications, including 6 monographs.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 57_2012 | submitted on 09/25/2012 displayed on website on 11/12/2012 |
17 p. | Iosifidi A.G., Mikhaylova V.A., Sal'naya N.V., Khramov A.N. |
Palaeomagnetism of sedimentary rocks of the South Uralian Asha series: new data | |
Collection of rock samples from the Kuk-Karauk and Basa Formations of the Upper Vendian Asha series on the Basu River, Zilim River and Kuk-Karauk Stream have been studied. Multicomponent structures of the studied rocks magnetization have been identified. Component ages have been estimated by comparison with the data for the East-European plate. The results allow us to trace and to date the main stages of the tectonic history of the belt placed along the western side of the Main Uralian thrust.
Key words: palaeomagnetism, tectonics, Vendian, Southern Ural. |
article citation | Iosifidi A.G., Mikhaylova V.A., Sal’naya N.V., Khramov A.N. Paleomagnetizm osadochnykh porod ashinskoy serii zapadnogo sklona Yuzhnogo Urala: novye dannye [Palaeomagnetism of sedimentary rocks of the South Uralian Asha series: new data]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/57_2012.pdf |
Bekker Yu.R. Otkrytie ediakarskoy bioty v krovle venda Yuzhnogo Urala [Discovery of the Ediacaran biota in the top Vendian of South Urals]. Regional'naya geologiya i metallogeniya, 1996, no. 5b, p. 111-131.
Chadima M., Hrouda F. Remasoft 3.0 a user-friendly paleomagnetic data browser and analyzer. Travaux Geophysiques, 2006, vol. XXVII, p. 20-21.
Chadima M., Jelinek V. Anisoft 42, 2009, available at: www.agico.com
Danukalov N.F., Komissarova R.A., Mikhaylov P.N. Paleomagnetizm rifeya i venda Yuzhnogo Urala [Paleomagnetism of the Riphean and Vendian of the Southern Urals]. Stratotip rifeya. Paleontologiya. Paleomagnetizm. Moscow: Nauka, 1982, p. 121-161.
Didenko A.N., Kurenkov S.A., Ruzhentsev S.V., Simonov V.A., Lubnina N.V., Kuznetsov N.B., Aristov V.A., Borisenok D.V. Tektonicheskaya istoriya Polyarnogo Urala [Tectonic history of the Polar Urals]. Trudy GINRAN. Moscow: Nauka, 2001, vol. 531, p. 191.
Iosifidi A.G., Khramov A.N. K istorii razvitiya nadvigovykh struktur Pay-Khoya i Polyarnogo Urala: paleomagnitnye dannye po rannepermskim i rannetriasovym otlozheniyam [On the history of development of thrust structures of Pay-Khoy and the Polar Urals: paleomagnetic data on the Early Permian and Early Triassic sediments]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2010, vol. 5, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/21_2010.pdf.
Iosifidi A.G., Khramov A.N., Bachtadse V. Multicomponent magnetization of the Vendian sedimentary sequences of Podolia, Ukraine. Russian journal of Earth Sciences, 2005, vol. 7(2), p. 1-29.
Enkin R.J. A computer program package for analysis and presentation of palaeomagnetic data. Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geol. Survey Canada. Sidney, 1994, 16 p.
Enkin R.J. The direction - correction tilt test: an all-purpose tilt/fold test for paleomagnetic studies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2003, vol. 212, p. 151-166.
Fisher R.A. Dispersion on a sphere. Proceedings Royal Society London, Ser. A, 1953, no. 217, p. 295-305.
Glasmacher U.A., Wagner G.A., Puchkov V.N. Thermotectonic evolution of the western fold – and – thrust belt, southern Urals, Russia, as revealed by apatite fission track data. Tectonophysics, 2002, vol. 354, issue 1-2, p. 25-48.
Golovanova I.V., Danukalov K. N., Kozlov V.I., Puchkov V.N., Pavlov V.E., Galle I., Levashova N.M., Sirota G.S., Khayrullin R.R., Bazhenov M.L. Paleomagnetizm verkhnevendskoy basinskoy svity bashkirskogo megasinklinoriya: rezul'taty povtornogo issledovaniya [Paleomagnetism of the Upper Vendian Basinski suite, Bashkirian mega synclinorium: results of re-examination]. Fizika Zemli, 2011, no. 7, p. 67-79.
Komissarova R.A. Paleomagnitnoy izuchenie ashinskoy svity zapadnogo sklona Yuzhnogo Urala [Paleomagnetic study of the Asha series of the west of the Southern Urals]. Paleomagnitnye stratigraficheskie issledovaniya. Trudy VNIGRI, 1963, vol. 204, p. 69-82.
Komissarova R.A. Vozrast ashinskoy serii po paleomagnitnym dannym [Age of Asha series on paleomagnetic data]. Paleomagnetizm. Trudy VNIGRI, 1967, vol. 256, p.126-131.
Komissarova R.A., Mikhaylov P.N. Paleomagnetizm osadochnykh tolshch rifeya i venda zapadnogo sklona Yuzhnogo Urala [Paleomagnetism of sedimentary rocks of Riphean and Vendian of the western slope of the Southern Urals]. Paleomagnetizm i voprosy paleogeografii. Trudy VNIGRI, 1981, p. 35-45
Kirschvink J.L. The least-squares line and plane and the analysis of paleomagnetic data. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1980, vol. 62, p. 699-718.
Komissarova R.A., Iosifidi A.G. Vendian sedimentary rocks of South Urals (Basinskaya Formation): palaeomagnetic data. Book of Abstracts of International Conference of Problems of Geocosmos (St. Petersburg, Russia), 2000, p. 76-77.
McCausland Ph.J.A., Vander Voo R., Hall Ch.M. Circum-lapetus palaeogeography of the Precambrian-Cambrian transition with a new paleomagnetic constraint from Laurentia. Precambrian Research, 2007, vol. 156, p. 125-152.
McFadden P.L., McElhinny M.W. Classification of reversal test in palaeomagnetism. Geophysical Journal International, 1990, vol. 103, p. 725-729.
Pisarevsky S.A., Komissarova R.A., Khramov. A.N. A multicomponent magnetization of the Vendian red sediments from Southern Urals and the palaeoposition of the Baltica. Aarhus Geoscience, 1999, vol. 8, p. 95-98.
Popov V., Iosifidi A., Khramov A., Tait J., Bachtadze V. Paleomagnetism of Upper Vendian sediments from the Winter Coast, White Sea region, Russia: implications for the palaeogeography of the Baltica during Neoproterozoic times. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002, vol. 107, B11, p. 2315, doi 10.1029/2001 jb001607.
Popov V., Khramov A., Bachtadze V. Paleomagnetism, magnetostratigraphy and petromagnetism of Upper Vendian sedimentary rocks in the sections of the Verhotina Hole, Winter coast of White Sea, Russia. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2005, vol. 7(2), p. 1-29.
Puchkov V.N. Paleogeodinamika Yuzhnogo i Srednego Urala [Paleogeodynamics of the Southern and Middle Urals]. Ufa: GILEM, 2000, 146 p.
Svyazhina I.A., Puchkov V.N., Ivanov K.S., Petrov G.A. Paleomagnetizm ordovika Urala [Paleomagnetism of the Ordovician of the Urals]. Ekaterinburg: UrOAN, 2003, p. 133.
Sokolov B.S. Paleontologiya dokembriya i akrokhrony biosfernoy evolyutsii (k teorii rasshiryayushcheysya biosfery) [Paleontology of the Precambrian and acrochrones of biosphere evolution (on the theory of expanding biosphere)]. Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya, 2011, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 3-12.
Torsvik T.H., Rehnstrom E.F. Cambrian palaeomagnetic data for Baltica: implications for true polar wander and Cambrian palaeogeography. Journal of the Geological Society, 2001, vol. 158, p. 321-329.
Torsvik T.N., Cocks J.R.M. Norway in space and time. A Centennial cavalcade. Norwegian Journal of geology, 2005, vol. 85, p. 73-86.
Vendskaya sistema. Istoriko-geologicheskoe i paleontologicheskoe obosnovanie. Stratigrafiya i geologicheskie protsessy [Vendian system. Historical, geological and paleontological substantiation. Stratigraphy and geological processes]. Editor B.S. Sokolov. Moscow: Nauka, 1985, vol. 2, 182 p.
Willner A.F., Sindern S., Metzger R., Ermolaeva T., Kramm U., Puchkov V., Kronz A. Typology and single grain U/Pb ages of detrital zircons from Proterozoic sandstones in the SW Urals (Russia): early time markers at the eastern margin of the Baltica. Precambrian Research, 2003, vol. 124, p. 1-20.
Zijderveld J.D. Demagnetization of rocks: analysis of results. Methods in Palaeomagnetism. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1967, p. 254-286.
Chadima M., Hrouda F. Remasoft 3.0 a user-friendly paleomagnetic data browser and analyzer. Travaux Geophysiques, 2006, vol. XXVII, p. 20-21.
Chadima M., Jelinek V. Anisoft 42, 2009, available at: www.agico.com
Danukalov N.F., Komissarova R.A., Mikhaylov P.N. Paleomagnetizm rifeya i venda Yuzhnogo Urala [Paleomagnetism of the Riphean and Vendian of the Southern Urals]. Stratotip rifeya. Paleontologiya. Paleomagnetizm. Moscow: Nauka, 1982, p. 121-161.
Didenko A.N., Kurenkov S.A., Ruzhentsev S.V., Simonov V.A., Lubnina N.V., Kuznetsov N.B., Aristov V.A., Borisenok D.V. Tektonicheskaya istoriya Polyarnogo Urala [Tectonic history of the Polar Urals]. Trudy GINRAN. Moscow: Nauka, 2001, vol. 531, p. 191.
Iosifidi A.G., Khramov A.N. K istorii razvitiya nadvigovykh struktur Pay-Khoya i Polyarnogo Urala: paleomagnitnye dannye po rannepermskim i rannetriasovym otlozheniyam [On the history of development of thrust structures of Pay-Khoy and the Polar Urals: paleomagnetic data on the Early Permian and Early Triassic sediments]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2010, vol. 5, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/21_2010.pdf.
Iosifidi A.G., Khramov A.N., Bachtadse V. Multicomponent magnetization of the Vendian sedimentary sequences of Podolia, Ukraine. Russian journal of Earth Sciences, 2005, vol. 7(2), p. 1-29.
Enkin R.J. A computer program package for analysis and presentation of palaeomagnetic data. Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geol. Survey Canada. Sidney, 1994, 16 p.
Enkin R.J. The direction - correction tilt test: an all-purpose tilt/fold test for paleomagnetic studies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2003, vol. 212, p. 151-166.
Fisher R.A. Dispersion on a sphere. Proceedings Royal Society London, Ser. A, 1953, no. 217, p. 295-305.
Glasmacher U.A., Wagner G.A., Puchkov V.N. Thermotectonic evolution of the western fold – and – thrust belt, southern Urals, Russia, as revealed by apatite fission track data. Tectonophysics, 2002, vol. 354, issue 1-2, p. 25-48.
Golovanova I.V., Danukalov K. N., Kozlov V.I., Puchkov V.N., Pavlov V.E., Galle I., Levashova N.M., Sirota G.S., Khayrullin R.R., Bazhenov M.L. Paleomagnetizm verkhnevendskoy basinskoy svity bashkirskogo megasinklinoriya: rezul'taty povtornogo issledovaniya [Paleomagnetism of the Upper Vendian Basinski suite, Bashkirian mega synclinorium: results of re-examination]. Fizika Zemli, 2011, no. 7, p. 67-79.
Komissarova R.A. Paleomagnitnoy izuchenie ashinskoy svity zapadnogo sklona Yuzhnogo Urala [Paleomagnetic study of the Asha series of the west of the Southern Urals]. Paleomagnitnye stratigraficheskie issledovaniya. Trudy VNIGRI, 1963, vol. 204, p. 69-82.
Komissarova R.A. Vozrast ashinskoy serii po paleomagnitnym dannym [Age of Asha series on paleomagnetic data]. Paleomagnetizm. Trudy VNIGRI, 1967, vol. 256, p.126-131.
Komissarova R.A., Mikhaylov P.N. Paleomagnetizm osadochnykh tolshch rifeya i venda zapadnogo sklona Yuzhnogo Urala [Paleomagnetism of sedimentary rocks of Riphean and Vendian of the western slope of the Southern Urals]. Paleomagnetizm i voprosy paleogeografii. Trudy VNIGRI, 1981, p. 35-45
Kirschvink J.L. The least-squares line and plane and the analysis of paleomagnetic data. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1980, vol. 62, p. 699-718.
Komissarova R.A., Iosifidi A.G. Vendian sedimentary rocks of South Urals (Basinskaya Formation): palaeomagnetic data. Book of Abstracts of International Conference of Problems of Geocosmos (St. Petersburg, Russia), 2000, p. 76-77.
McCausland Ph.J.A., Vander Voo R., Hall Ch.M. Circum-lapetus palaeogeography of the Precambrian-Cambrian transition with a new paleomagnetic constraint from Laurentia. Precambrian Research, 2007, vol. 156, p. 125-152.
McFadden P.L., McElhinny M.W. Classification of reversal test in palaeomagnetism. Geophysical Journal International, 1990, vol. 103, p. 725-729.
Pisarevsky S.A., Komissarova R.A., Khramov. A.N. A multicomponent magnetization of the Vendian red sediments from Southern Urals and the palaeoposition of the Baltica. Aarhus Geoscience, 1999, vol. 8, p. 95-98.
Popov V., Iosifidi A., Khramov A., Tait J., Bachtadze V. Paleomagnetism of Upper Vendian sediments from the Winter Coast, White Sea region, Russia: implications for the palaeogeography of the Baltica during Neoproterozoic times. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002, vol. 107, B11, p. 2315, doi 10.1029/2001 jb001607.
Popov V., Khramov A., Bachtadze V. Paleomagnetism, magnetostratigraphy and petromagnetism of Upper Vendian sedimentary rocks in the sections of the Verhotina Hole, Winter coast of White Sea, Russia. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2005, vol. 7(2), p. 1-29.
Puchkov V.N. Paleogeodinamika Yuzhnogo i Srednego Urala [Paleogeodynamics of the Southern and Middle Urals]. Ufa: GILEM, 2000, 146 p.
Svyazhina I.A., Puchkov V.N., Ivanov K.S., Petrov G.A. Paleomagnetizm ordovika Urala [Paleomagnetism of the Ordovician of the Urals]. Ekaterinburg: UrOAN, 2003, p. 133.
Sokolov B.S. Paleontologiya dokembriya i akrokhrony biosfernoy evolyutsii (k teorii rasshiryayushcheysya biosfery) [Paleontology of the Precambrian and acrochrones of biosphere evolution (on the theory of expanding biosphere)]. Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya, 2011, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 3-12.
Torsvik T.H., Rehnstrom E.F. Cambrian palaeomagnetic data for Baltica: implications for true polar wander and Cambrian palaeogeography. Journal of the Geological Society, 2001, vol. 158, p. 321-329.
Torsvik T.N., Cocks J.R.M. Norway in space and time. A Centennial cavalcade. Norwegian Journal of geology, 2005, vol. 85, p. 73-86.
Vendskaya sistema. Istoriko-geologicheskoe i paleontologicheskoe obosnovanie. Stratigrafiya i geologicheskie protsessy [Vendian system. Historical, geological and paleontological substantiation. Stratigraphy and geological processes]. Editor B.S. Sokolov. Moscow: Nauka, 1985, vol. 2, 182 p.
Willner A.F., Sindern S., Metzger R., Ermolaeva T., Kramm U., Puchkov V., Kronz A. Typology and single grain U/Pb ages of detrital zircons from Proterozoic sandstones in the SW Urals (Russia): early time markers at the eastern margin of the Baltica. Precambrian Research, 2003, vol. 124, p. 1-20.
Zijderveld J.D. Demagnetization of rocks: analysis of results. Methods in Palaeomagnetism. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1967, p. 254-286.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 21_2010 | submitted on 04/07/2010 displayed on website on 12/27/2010 |
18 p. | Iosifidi A.G., Khramov A.N. |
To the history of thrust structures of the Pai-Khoi and Polar Urals: paleomagnetic data for Early Permian and early triassic sediments | |
Collection of Early Permian rocks (P1gs, artinskian stage, section r. Yabtoyakha (Gusinaya), south-west of the Pai-Khoi have been studied. Analysis of the inferred new and published paleomagnetic data for the fortland structures of the Polar Urals and Pai-Khoi showed that horizontal orientation of paleomagnetic directions reflect the clockwise and counterclockwise rotations of the these structures consequently.
Values of these rotation angles and total thrust amplitudes for the Pai-Khoi structures are estimated. Key words: paleomagnetic directions, geodynamic, collision, thrust, Pai-Khoi. |
article citation | Iosifidi A.G., Khramov A.N. To the history of thrust structures of the Pai-Khoi and Polar Urals: paleomagnetic data for Early Permian and early triassic sediments // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/21_2010.pdf |
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 45_2009 | submitted on 12/10/2009 displayed on website on 12/14/2009 |
20 p. | Otmas (Eremenko) N.M., Zhuravlev A.V., Iosifidi A.G., Popov V.V., Khramov A.N., Vevel Ya.A., Nickolaev A.I. |
Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous key sequence on the Talota river, Timan-Pechora province - results of lithologic, biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic researches | |
The results of complex studying the Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous key sequence on the Talota river (north of the Vashutkino-Talota zone of overthrusts, Timan-Pechora province) are presented. The tectonic twinning of the sequence on the zone of overthrusts is proved by biostratigraphy data. The parautochthonous and allochthonous parts of the sequence are dated by foraminifera and conodonts. The first part contains Early Famenian-Late Visean deposits, the second part - Late Famenian-Serpukhovsk deposits. Breaks in sedimentations are established in the Lower Tournaisian and Lower Visean. The presence of an ancient secondary prefolded component of magnetization, confined to the definite parts of the sequence and caused by tectonic and hypergene processes, is established. The direction of this magnetization allowed reconstructing the prefolded (Middle Paleozoic) position of the allochthone and parautochthone. Key words: Upper Devonian, Lower Carboniferous, key sequence, Timan-Pechora province, stratigraphy, paleomagnetology, tectonics. Sequence description by Eremenko N.M. and Zhuravlev A.V. is provided in the Annex 1. |
article citation | Eremenko N.M., Zhuravlev A.V., Iosifidi A.G., Popov V.V., Khramov A.N., Vevel Ya.A., Nickolaev A.I. Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous key sequence on the Talota river, Timan-Pechora province - results of lithologic, biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic researches // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. - 2009. - V.4. - #4.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/45_2009.pdf Eremenko N.M., Zhuravlev A.V., Iosifidi A.G., Popov V.V., Khramov A.N., Vevel Ya.A., Nickolaev A.I. Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous key sequence on the Talota river, Timan-Pechora province - results of lithologic, biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic researches // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. - 2009. - V.4. - #4.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/45prilojenie_2009.pdf |
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 036 | displayed on website on 08/07/2007 |
14 p. | Khramov A.N., Oknova N.S. |
Ways of paleomagnetic records researchfor petroleum geology problems solution (Timan-Pechora province) | |
Some of new or only occasionally used ways of paleomagnetic records research in the sediment deposits are being discussed in order to solve the petroleum geology problems related to the study of paleogeodynamic and paleogeographic development environments of sedimentary basins as well as the processes of transformation constituent rocks. Experience in assessing of possible influence of geodynamic factors on the formation of sedimentary rocks, petroleum potential and migration ways of hydrocarbons of different tectonic cycles in the Timan-Pechora province is being discussed as an example. Analysis of the basin geodynamic development can identify generation areas, set the ways of hydrocarbons migration in reservoir strata, because gas fields form in areas of most subsidence, while oil fields form in areas less subsident. In conclusion, a summary of principles for solution of the geodynamics problems based on the study of paleomagnetism phenomena is given and several examples for problem solution in the area of hydrocarbons migration and accumulation on this basis in other regions are mentioned. Key words: paleomagnetic research, geomagnetic field, geodynamic models, paleomagnetism, stratigraphy, oil and gas basins stratigraphy. |
article citation | Khramov A.N., Oknova N.S. Ways of paleomagnetic records research for petroleum geology problems solution (Timan-Pechora province) // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/036.pdf |
New methods and technologies
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 016 | displayed on website on 04/16/2007 |
39 p. | Popov V.V., Khramov A.N. |
New paleomagnetic method of borehole cores location determining | |
Geological study of large areas is based solely on the results of drilling. The relevance of such studies is obvious, as fields are very often found in closed areas. In such cases, the problem of sequence correlation of insufficiently faunistically characterized wells is common.
Paleomagnetic (magnetostratigraphic) method is often the only method to enable such a correlation in these cases. However, it is necessary to find out the orientation of samples in the well in order to use paleomagnetic method. As for borehole cores, the orientation "top-bottom" is usually only known. The method that uses the direction of low-temperature (low-coercitive) modern viscous component of magnetization is applied in paleo-magnetism to orient the core samples to the cardinal.
However, the possibilities of this method are limited for several reasons. We propose to use a new method that allows us to calculate the direction of the ancient magnetization components in those cases where conventional methods do not provide a satisfactory result. The new method was tested on the samples from two sequences of the Lower Vendian - Early Cambrian and one sequence of Cenozoic southeastern coastal of the White Sea area. The similarity of the results for natural outcrops and wells proves its high efficiency. The application of the new method has allowed us to calculate paleomagnetic poles for the Upper Vendian and Cenozoic Baltic as well as the age of reversal for the Late Vendian rocks. The alternative paleomagnetic poles for Vendian Baltic have been calculated through the results obtained and the reconstruction of paleogeographical position of the plate during the studied period of time has been made.
Key words: magnetostratigraphy, component composition of the rocks, Russian platform, correlation of geological sequences, core orientation. |
article citation | Popov V.V., Khramov A.N. New paleomagnetic method of borehole cores location determining // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/12/016.pdf |