Bartashchuk A.V.
Graduated from Kharkov National University (1981), specialization "geological engineer".
PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Leading Researcher, Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases (UkrNIIgaz), Kharkov, Ukraine.
Area of scientific interest: geodynamic conditions for the formation of oil and gas structures, patterns of distribution of hydrocarbon deposits.
Author of 55 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 45_2020 | submitted on 07/27/2020 displayed on website on 12/25/2020 |
19 p. | Bartashchuk A.V. |
Colisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin. Part 3. Geodinamic model of tectonic inversion | |
Based on the results of the structural-kinematic analysis of deformation structures identified in the folded levels of the southeastern segment of the Dnieper-Donets Вasin and the analysis of earlier studies of the mechanisms of inversion structure formation, a fundamentally new geodynamic model of tectonic inversion of the riftogenic structure was developed. Collisional deformations of the Late Hercynian time in the sedimentary cover of the West Donets Graben occurred in the mode of tangential compression of the riftogenic structure in the southwestern direction. In the regional horizontal shear field, this caused the tectonic transport of geomas from the super-compressed axial zone towards the geodynamic shelters on the southern side of the graben. Linear anti- and syn-forms were formed according to the mechanism of the strata buckling due to collisional warping of the layers. In the Cimmerian and Alpine times, deformations continued in a strike-slip thrust activity with a compression component in the northwestern points. This caused a general transport of geomas from the folded Donbass to the southeastern part of the depression - to the Hercynian neoautochthon and the poorly deployed syneclisic autochthon with the formation of an Alpine nappe-fold thrust system. The original geodynamic model envisages the complication of the riftogenic structure in the southeast of the basin by echelons of thrust covers and en-echelon articulated near-fault reverse-fold. The kinematic mechanism of the inversion is due to the pressure of the "tectonic stamp" of the Donets Foldbelt, in the front of which a clinoform tectonic segment of geomass wedging was formed, identified by a thrust-type orocline. The "tectonic rails of the invasion" of the orocline were two flank (Northeastern and Southwestern) and axial (Central) linear zones of horizontal shear control. In the foreland of the orocline, geodynamic injection bands of geomas were formed, where linear reverse-fold zones were formed, at the ends of main strike-slip faults, an advanced scaly compression fan was formed. In the hinterland of the orocline, folded suture zones are formed on the roots of the tectonic nappes of the thrust. The structural result of collisional deformations is the formation of an inversion geostructure of a regional scale - the West Donets Nappe-Fold Region. Keywords: geodynamic model of tectonic inversion, protruding orocline, tectonic stamp of the Donets foldbelt, West Donets Nappe-Fold Region. |
article citation | Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 3. Geodinamicheskaya model' tektonicheskoy inversii [Colisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin. Part 3. Geodinamic model of tectonic inversion]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at: |
DOI | |
Avlakogeny Vostochno-Evropeyskoy platformy [Aulacogenes of the East European Platform]. R.I. Valeev. Moscow: Nedra, 1978, 151 p.
Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 1. Tektonika Zapadno-Donetskogo grabena [Collisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 1. Tectonics of the Western-Donetsk Graben]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, available at: DOI: 5379/28_2020
Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 2. Geodinamicheskie rezhimy i kinematicheskiy mekhanizm deformatsiy [Colisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 2. Geodynamic modes and kinematic mechanism of tectonic inversion]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at: DOI:
Bartashchuk O.V. Gorizontal'nі peremіshchennya geomasivіv u kontinental'nikh riftogennikh geostrukturakh (na prikladі Dnіprovs'kogo-Donets'kogo paleorifta). Chastina 3. Sistemna organіzatsіya postriftovikh reїdnikh deformatsіy [Horizontal displacement of geomassives into continental riftogenic geostructures (on the example of the Dnieper-Donetsk paleorift). Part 3. Systemic organization of post-rift reid deformations]. Vіsnik Kharkіvs'kogo natsіonal'nogo unіversitetu іmenі V. N. Karazіna. Serіya "Geologіya. Geografіya. Ekologіya", 2019, no.51, pp. 26-40.
Chekunov A.V. Omekhanizme obrazovaniya struktur tipa avlakogenov (na primere Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny) [Mehcanism of formation of structures such as aulacogenes (on the example of the Dnieper-Donetsk depression)]. Geotektonika, 1967, no. 2, pp. 3-21.
Donetskiy baseyn: tektonika. Geologiya uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR. T.1. [Donetsk Basin: Tectonics. Geology of coal and oil shale in the USSR. Vol. 1]. V. Popov. Moscow: GONTI, 1963, pp. 103-151.
Frend R. Riftovye doliny. Sistemy riftov Zemli [Rift Valleys. Earth rift systems]. Moscow: Mir, 1970, pp. 209-219.
Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Glubinnoe stroenie i geotektonicheskoe razvitie razvitie [Geology and oil and gas content of the Dnieper-Donetsk depression. Deep structure and geotectonic development]. Ed. V. Gavrish. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1989, 208 p.
Glubinnye geologicheskie srezy Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny (v svyazi s perspektivami neftegazonosnosti). Ob"yasnitel'naya zapiska k geologicheskim kartam DDV na srezakh -5000 i -6000 m masshtaba 1:500000 [Deep geological sections of the Dnieper-Donets basin (in connection with the prospects of oil and gas). Explanatory note to the geological maps of the DDV on the sections -5000 and -6000 m scale 1: 500000]. Editor V. Glushko. Kiev: Izd-vo UKRNIIGAZ, UKRNIGRI, 1978, 88 p.
Gonchar V. Tektonicheskaya inversiya Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny i Donbassa (modeli i rekonstruktsii) [Tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donetsk depression and Donbass (models and reconstructions)]. Geofizicheskiy zhurnal, 2019, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 47-86.
Goryaynov S. O laramiyskom uslozhnenii geologicheskikh struktur Ukrainy [About the Laramide complication of geological structures of Ukraine]. Dopovіdі NAN Ukraїni, 2004, no.12, pp. 114-121.
Goryaynov S. Ob al'piyskom uslozhnenii geologicheskoy struktury v razlichnykh regionakh Ukrainy [About Alpine complication of geological structure in various regions of Ukraine]. Dopovіdі NAN Ukraїni, 1999, no. 8, pp. 106-111.
Istomin A. Geodinamicheskaya model' formirovaniya Donetskogo skladchatogo sooruzheniya na osnove idey tektoniki litosfernykh plit v svyazi s otsenkoy perspektiv neftegazonosnosti [Geodynamic model of the formation of the Donetsk folded structure]. Nafta і gaz Ukraїni - 96: mater. nauk.-prakt. konf. - Ukr. nauk.-dosl. іn-t prir. gazov. - Kh.: UkrNDІGaz, 1996, vol. 1, pp. 76-180.
Kopp M. Strukturnye risunki, svyazannye s prodol'nymi peremeshcheniyami vnutri skladchatykh poyasov (na primere Sredizemnomorsko-Gimalayskogo poyasa) [Structural drawings associated withlongitudinal movements inside the folded belts (on the example of the Mediterranean-Himalayan belt)]. Geotektonika, 1991, no. 1, pp. 21-36.
Kopp M., Korchemagin V. Kaynozoyskie polya napryazheniy/deformatsiy Donbassa i ikh veroyatnye istochniki [Cenozoic stress/strain fields of the Donbass and their probable sources]. Geodinamіka, 2010, no. 1(9), pp. 17-48.
Korchemagin V., Ryaboshtan Yu. Tektonika i polya napryazheniy Donbassa [Tectonics and stress fields of Donbass]. Polya napryazheniy i deformatsiy v zemnoy kore. Moscow: Nauka, 1987, pp. 164-170.
Korchemagin V.A., Emets V.S. Osobennosti razvitiya tektonicheskoy struktury i polya napryazheniy Donbassa i Vostochnogo Priazov'ya [Peculiarities of the development of the tectonic structure and stress field of Donbass and the Eastern Azov region]. Geotektonika, 1987, no. 3, pp.49-55.
Mikhalev A., Borodulin M. O glubinnoy strukuture Donetskogo baseyna v svete sovremennykh geofizicheskikh dannykh [About the deep structure of the Donetsk basin in the light of modern geophysical data]. Geotektonika, 1976, no. 4, pp. 39-54.
Milanovskiy E.E., Nikishin A. Modeli kharaktera deformatsii pri szhatii kontinental'nykh riftogennykh progibov [Models of deformation during compression of continental riftogenic troughs]. Riftogeny i poleznye iskopaemye. Moscow: Nauka, 1991, pp. 3-15.
Osobennosti tektoniki ugol'nykh basseynov Ukrainy [Features of tectonics of coal basins of Ukraine]. I. Maydanovich, A. Radzivill. Kiev.: Nauk. dumka, 1984, 120 p.
Privalov V.A. Vrashchenie blokov i stsenariy tektonicheskoy evolyutsii Donetskogo baseyna [Rotation of blocks and scenario of tectonic evolution of Donetsk basin]. Geologіya і geokhіmіya goryuchikh kopalin, 1988, 212 p.
Rebetskiy Yu. Obzor metodov rekonstruktsii tektonicheskikh napryazheniy i prirashcheniy seysmotektonicheskikh deformatsiy. Tektonika segodnya [Review of methods for reconstruction of tectonic stresses and increments of seismotectonic deformations]. Moscow: OIFZ RAN, 2002, pp. 227-243.
Riftogenez v istorii Zemli (riftogenez na drevnikh platformakh) [Rifting in the history of the Earth (rifting on ancient platforms)]. E.E. Milanovskiy. Moscow: Nedra, 1977, 324 p.
Riftovye zony Zemli [Rift area of Eath]. A.F. Grachev. Moscow: Nedra, 1987, 284 p.
Samygin S.G., Khain E.V. Yuzhnyy Kavkaz i Severnyy Ural v paleozoe - opit sravneniy [The South Caucasus and the Northern Urals in the Paleozoic - an experience of comparisons]. Tektonika, 1985, no. 2, pp. 40-56.
Shatskiy N.S. O proiskhozhdenii Pachelmskogo progiba. Sravnitel'naya tektonіka drevnikh platform [About the origin of the Pachelmsky trough. Comparative tectonics of ancient platforms]. Byul. MOIP. Otd. geol., 1955, XXX (5), issue 3, pp.5-26.
Stratigrafіya verkhn'ogo proterozoyu, paleozoyu ta mezozoyu Ukraїni [Stratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Ukraine]. Ed. P. Gozhik. Kiev: ІGN NAN Ukraїni. Logos, 2013, 637 p.
Tektonika metanougol'nykh mestorozhdeniy Donbassa [Tectonics of methane-coal accumulations of Donbass]. V. Lukinov, L. Pimonenko. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 2008, 352 p.
Tkachenko V.F. Prichiny lokal'nykh izmeneniy mozhnostey svit v Donetskom baseyne [The causes of local changes in the capacity of the formations in the Donetsk basin]. Dokl. AN USSR, ser. B, 1968, no.8, pp. 695-697.
Turcotte D.L. Membrane stresses. Royal Astron. Soc. Geophys. journal, 1974, no. 36, pp. 33-42.
Vvedenie v fizicheskie osnovy staticheskoy i dinamicheskoy geotektonіki [Introduction to the physical foundations of static and dynamic geotectonics]. B.M. Chikov. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo «Geo», 2011, 299 p.
Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 1. Tektonika Zapadno-Donetskogo grabena [Collisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 1. Tectonics of the Western-Donetsk Graben]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, available at: DOI: 5379/28_2020
Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 2. Geodinamicheskie rezhimy i kinematicheskiy mekhanizm deformatsiy [Colisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 2. Geodynamic modes and kinematic mechanism of tectonic inversion]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at: DOI:
Bartashchuk O.V. Gorizontal'nі peremіshchennya geomasivіv u kontinental'nikh riftogennikh geostrukturakh (na prikladі Dnіprovs'kogo-Donets'kogo paleorifta). Chastina 3. Sistemna organіzatsіya postriftovikh reїdnikh deformatsіy [Horizontal displacement of geomassives into continental riftogenic geostructures (on the example of the Dnieper-Donetsk paleorift). Part 3. Systemic organization of post-rift reid deformations]. Vіsnik Kharkіvs'kogo natsіonal'nogo unіversitetu іmenі V. N. Karazіna. Serіya "Geologіya. Geografіya. Ekologіya", 2019, no.51, pp. 26-40.
Chekunov A.V. Omekhanizme obrazovaniya struktur tipa avlakogenov (na primere Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny) [Mehcanism of formation of structures such as aulacogenes (on the example of the Dnieper-Donetsk depression)]. Geotektonika, 1967, no. 2, pp. 3-21.
Donetskiy baseyn: tektonika. Geologiya uglya i goryuchikh slantsev SSSR. T.1. [Donetsk Basin: Tectonics. Geology of coal and oil shale in the USSR. Vol. 1]. V. Popov. Moscow: GONTI, 1963, pp. 103-151.
Frend R. Riftovye doliny. Sistemy riftov Zemli [Rift Valleys. Earth rift systems]. Moscow: Mir, 1970, pp. 209-219.
Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Glubinnoe stroenie i geotektonicheskoe razvitie razvitie [Geology and oil and gas content of the Dnieper-Donetsk depression. Deep structure and geotectonic development]. Ed. V. Gavrish. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1989, 208 p.
Glubinnye geologicheskie srezy Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny (v svyazi s perspektivami neftegazonosnosti). Ob"yasnitel'naya zapiska k geologicheskim kartam DDV na srezakh -5000 i -6000 m masshtaba 1:500000 [Deep geological sections of the Dnieper-Donets basin (in connection with the prospects of oil and gas). Explanatory note to the geological maps of the DDV on the sections -5000 and -6000 m scale 1: 500000]. Editor V. Glushko. Kiev: Izd-vo UKRNIIGAZ, UKRNIGRI, 1978, 88 p.
Gonchar V. Tektonicheskaya inversiya Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny i Donbassa (modeli i rekonstruktsii) [Tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donetsk depression and Donbass (models and reconstructions)]. Geofizicheskiy zhurnal, 2019, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 47-86.
Goryaynov S. O laramiyskom uslozhnenii geologicheskikh struktur Ukrainy [About the Laramide complication of geological structures of Ukraine]. Dopovіdі NAN Ukraїni, 2004, no.12, pp. 114-121.
Goryaynov S. Ob al'piyskom uslozhnenii geologicheskoy struktury v razlichnykh regionakh Ukrainy [About Alpine complication of geological structure in various regions of Ukraine]. Dopovіdі NAN Ukraїni, 1999, no. 8, pp. 106-111.
Istomin A. Geodinamicheskaya model' formirovaniya Donetskogo skladchatogo sooruzheniya na osnove idey tektoniki litosfernykh plit v svyazi s otsenkoy perspektiv neftegazonosnosti [Geodynamic model of the formation of the Donetsk folded structure]. Nafta і gaz Ukraїni - 96: mater. nauk.-prakt. konf. - Ukr. nauk.-dosl. іn-t prir. gazov. - Kh.: UkrNDІGaz, 1996, vol. 1, pp. 76-180.
Kopp M. Strukturnye risunki, svyazannye s prodol'nymi peremeshcheniyami vnutri skladchatykh poyasov (na primere Sredizemnomorsko-Gimalayskogo poyasa) [Structural drawings associated withlongitudinal movements inside the folded belts (on the example of the Mediterranean-Himalayan belt)]. Geotektonika, 1991, no. 1, pp. 21-36.
Kopp M., Korchemagin V. Kaynozoyskie polya napryazheniy/deformatsiy Donbassa i ikh veroyatnye istochniki [Cenozoic stress/strain fields of the Donbass and their probable sources]. Geodinamіka, 2010, no. 1(9), pp. 17-48.
Korchemagin V., Ryaboshtan Yu. Tektonika i polya napryazheniy Donbassa [Tectonics and stress fields of Donbass]. Polya napryazheniy i deformatsiy v zemnoy kore. Moscow: Nauka, 1987, pp. 164-170.
Korchemagin V.A., Emets V.S. Osobennosti razvitiya tektonicheskoy struktury i polya napryazheniy Donbassa i Vostochnogo Priazov'ya [Peculiarities of the development of the tectonic structure and stress field of Donbass and the Eastern Azov region]. Geotektonika, 1987, no. 3, pp.49-55.
Mikhalev A., Borodulin M. O glubinnoy strukuture Donetskogo baseyna v svete sovremennykh geofizicheskikh dannykh [About the deep structure of the Donetsk basin in the light of modern geophysical data]. Geotektonika, 1976, no. 4, pp. 39-54.
Milanovskiy E.E., Nikishin A. Modeli kharaktera deformatsii pri szhatii kontinental'nykh riftogennykh progibov [Models of deformation during compression of continental riftogenic troughs]. Riftogeny i poleznye iskopaemye. Moscow: Nauka, 1991, pp. 3-15.
Osobennosti tektoniki ugol'nykh basseynov Ukrainy [Features of tectonics of coal basins of Ukraine]. I. Maydanovich, A. Radzivill. Kiev.: Nauk. dumka, 1984, 120 p.
Privalov V.A. Vrashchenie blokov i stsenariy tektonicheskoy evolyutsii Donetskogo baseyna [Rotation of blocks and scenario of tectonic evolution of Donetsk basin]. Geologіya і geokhіmіya goryuchikh kopalin, 1988, 212 p.
Rebetskiy Yu. Obzor metodov rekonstruktsii tektonicheskikh napryazheniy i prirashcheniy seysmotektonicheskikh deformatsiy. Tektonika segodnya [Review of methods for reconstruction of tectonic stresses and increments of seismotectonic deformations]. Moscow: OIFZ RAN, 2002, pp. 227-243.
Riftogenez v istorii Zemli (riftogenez na drevnikh platformakh) [Rifting in the history of the Earth (rifting on ancient platforms)]. E.E. Milanovskiy. Moscow: Nedra, 1977, 324 p.
Riftovye zony Zemli [Rift area of Eath]. A.F. Grachev. Moscow: Nedra, 1987, 284 p.
Samygin S.G., Khain E.V. Yuzhnyy Kavkaz i Severnyy Ural v paleozoe - opit sravneniy [The South Caucasus and the Northern Urals in the Paleozoic - an experience of comparisons]. Tektonika, 1985, no. 2, pp. 40-56.
Shatskiy N.S. O proiskhozhdenii Pachelmskogo progiba. Sravnitel'naya tektonіka drevnikh platform [About the origin of the Pachelmsky trough. Comparative tectonics of ancient platforms]. Byul. MOIP. Otd. geol., 1955, XXX (5), issue 3, pp.5-26.
Stratigrafіya verkhn'ogo proterozoyu, paleozoyu ta mezozoyu Ukraїni [Stratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Ukraine]. Ed. P. Gozhik. Kiev: ІGN NAN Ukraїni. Logos, 2013, 637 p.
Tektonika metanougol'nykh mestorozhdeniy Donbassa [Tectonics of methane-coal accumulations of Donbass]. V. Lukinov, L. Pimonenko. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 2008, 352 p.
Tkachenko V.F. Prichiny lokal'nykh izmeneniy mozhnostey svit v Donetskom baseyne [The causes of local changes in the capacity of the formations in the Donetsk basin]. Dokl. AN USSR, ser. B, 1968, no.8, pp. 695-697.
Turcotte D.L. Membrane stresses. Royal Astron. Soc. Geophys. journal, 1974, no. 36, pp. 33-42.
Vvedenie v fizicheskie osnovy staticheskoy i dinamicheskoy geotektonіki [Introduction to the physical foundations of static and dynamic geotectonics]. B.M. Chikov. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo «Geo», 2011, 299 p.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 35_2020 | submitted on 07/21/2020 displayed on website on 10/22/2020 |
20 p. | Bartashchuk A.V. |
Colisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 2. Geodynamic modes and kinematic mechanism of tectonic inversion | |
The tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donets Basin and the Donets Foldbelt began in the Late Hercynian epoch under the influence of collisional movements of the left-sided knematics of the compression orogen on the edge of the Paleotethis. It is shown that as a result of gently inclined disruptions in the Paleozoic platform cover of the West Donets Graben, a thrust lattice was formed, which controlled the processes of collisional buckling of the horizons in the thrust and strike-slip modes. As a result of the displacement of geomasses from the axial zones of maximum compression to the zones of "geodynamic shadow" - in the direction of the Basin borders in the northern and axial parts of the Graben, linear uplift folds were formed, and in the southern - thrust covers. At the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic, in the mode of interference of the uplift-thrust and strike-slip fields of the reverse, right-sided kinematics of movements, deformations of the Hercynian thrust lattice and the dynamically conjugated linear near-fault folding took place with the formation of coulisse articulated upthrust-fold zones and en-echelonly overthrust covers. The geodynamic setting of the grouping of the compression axes in the western part of the Donbass, which was experiencing orogenic uplift, caused the thrust of allochthonous geomasses to the syneclise related autochthon of the southeastern segment of the depression. In the West Donets Graben, this caused an increase in the section beyond the Hercynian Neoautochthon and the Cimmerian-Alpine allochthon with the formation of a clinoform wedging Segment. Along the main strike-slip faults, which form the tectonic rails of its invasion, geodynamic zones of geomass squeezing out, formed by curvilinear, en-echelonly upthrow folds, were formed. In the foreland of the Segment, at the ends of dynamically coupled thrust and strike-slip faults, a forward compression fan is formed; in the hinterland, on the roots of thrust covers, folded suture zones are formed. Based on the results of the kinematic analysis of the Hercynian and Alpine deformation structures, a new kinematic model of the tectonic inversion of the riftogenic structure of the Southeastern Segment of the Dnieper-Donets Basin has been developed. In accordance with it, the deformations of the sedimentary cover of the West Donets Graben were carried out according to the kinematic mechanism of a transverse orocline of pushing geomasses of the sub-thrust type, under the pressure of the tectonic stamp of the Donets Foldbelt. Keywords: geodynamic modes, kinematic deformation mechanism, wedging segment, forward compression fan, folded sutures, thrusting orocline, tectonic stamp, Dnieper-Donets Basin. |
article citation | Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 2. Geodinamicheskie rezhimy i kinematicheskiy mekhanizm deformatsiy [Colisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 2. Geodynamic modes and kinematic mechanism of tectonic inversion]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at: |
DOI | |
Antsiferov A., Tirkel' M., Khokhlov M., Privalov V., Golubev A., Mayboroda A., Antsiferov V. Gazonosnost' ugol'nykh mestorozhdeniy Donbassa [Gas content of coal deposits of Donbass]. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 2004, 229 p.
Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 1. Tektonika Zapadno-Donetskogo grabena [Collisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 1. Tectonics of the Western-Donetsk Graben]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, available at: DOI:
Bartashchuk O. Strukturno-kіnematichna evolyutsіya zemnoї kori Dnіprovs'ko-Donets'kogo paleoriftu. Chastina 1. Strukturnі proyavi reїdnoї deformatsії v osadovomu chokhlі [Structural and kinematic evolution of the Earth's crust of the Dnieper-Donets paleorift. Part 1. Structural manifestations of reid deformation in the sedimentary cover]. Tektonіka і stratigrafіya, 2019, vol. 46, pp. 5-16.
Dudnik V., Korchemagin V. Kimmeriyskoe pole napryazheniy v predelakh Ol'khovatsko-Volyntsevskoy antiklinali Donbassa, ego svyaz' s razryvnymi strukturami i magmatizmom [The Cimmerian stress field within the Olkhovatsko-Volyntsevsky anticline of the Donbass, its relationship with discontinuous structures and magmatism]. Geofizicheskiy zhurnal, 2004, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 75-84.
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Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Stratigrafiya [Geology and oil and gas content of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Stratigraphy]. Editor D. Ayzenverg. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1988, 148 p.
Geologіchna karta dokaynozoys'kikh utvoren' Ukraїni. Masshtab 1:1000000 [Geological map of pre-Cenozoic formations of Ukraine. Scale 1:1,000,000]. Editor V. Kalіnіn, 2007.
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Glubinnye geologicheskie srezy Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny (v svyazi s perspektivami neftegazonosnosti). Ob"yasnitel'naya zapiska k geologicheskim kartam DDV na srezakh -5000 i -6000 m masshtaba 1:500000 [Deep geological sections of the Dnieper-Donets basin (in connection with the prospects of oil and gas). Explanatory note to the geological maps of the DDV on the sections -5000 and -6000 m scale 1: 500000]. Editor V. Glushko. Kiev: UKRNIIGAZ, UKRNIGRI, 1978, 88 p.
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Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 28_2020 | submitted on 07/15/2020 displayed on website on 08/31/2020 |
19 p. | Bartashchuk A.V. |
Collisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 1. Tectonics of the Western-Donetsk Graben | |
On the basis of the latest materials of geological mapping of dislocation complexes of the platform sedimentary cover, deformations of the riftogenic structure of the southeastern segment of the Dnieper-Donets Basin and the zone of its junction with the Donets Foldbelt were studied. Using the structural analysis of tectonite patterns of the Paleozoic complex of the West Donets Graben, taking into account the field definitions of the directions of tectonic movements along them, an attempt was made to identify the tectonic style and the systemic organization of collisional deformations. It is shown that fold deformations are in three structural levels identified in the Paleozoic graben cover - Hercynian, Laramian, and Attic, were controlled by thrust faults and uplift faults of the northern, northwestern, and southeastern strike azimuths with a significant component of horizontal displacements. A feature of inversion tectonics is the formation of dynamically conjugated lattices of thrusts and uplifts of the Late Hercynian and Alpine (Laramian and Attic phases) stages of tectogenesis, which control echeloned cover-thrust dislocations and linear, coulisse articulated uplift-folded. The set of deformation structures and tectonite lattices controlling them is for the first time distinguished into a regional system of tectonic thrusting structures of repeatedly dislocated geomasses of sedimentary rocks from the southeast, from the Donets Foldbelt, to the northwest - onto the weakly dislocated syneclises like cover of the basin. The main structural element of the cover- folded system that determines the inversion tectonic style is the clinoform segment of tectonic wedging of geomasses. Its northeastern flank is formed by linear folded zones of open Paleozoic structures - Torsko-Drobishivskaya, North-Donets, Matrossko-Toshkovskaya, and the southwestern - by echelons of scaly folded covers. The axis of the segment is formed by the coulisse-articulated Petrovsko-Novotroitskaya, Velikokamyshevakhskaya, Druzhkovsko-Kostantinovskaya and Main uplift-anticlines. The analysis of the systemic organization of collisional deformations made it possible to conclude that the riftogenic structure of the southeastern segment of the Dnieper-Donets Basin was destroyed at the inversion stages of structural evolution with the formation of the West Donets Cover-Folded Region. According to the style and intensity of deformations in its northern part, the Luhansk-Kamyshevakhsky Area of coulisse-articulated uplift-folding is distinguished, in the south - the Kalmius-Toretsky Area of scaly thrust covers. Keywords: lattice of thrusts and uplifts faults, echelon of scaly thrust covers, coulisse-articulated uplift-folding, West Donets Cover-Folded Region. |
article citation | Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 1. Tektonika Zapadno-Donetskogo grabena [Collisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Part 1. Tectonics of the Western-Donetsk Graben]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, available at: |
DOI | |
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