Potapov D.V.
Graduated from the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (2017), specialization "applied geology".
Engineer of the 2nd category of the Branch of Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC PermNIPIneft, Perm.
Area of scientific interests: 3D geological modeling.
Author of one publication.
Economy, information technology, resource management
Article # 2_2023 | submitted on 11/07/2022 displayed on website on 01/16/2023 |
17 p. | Potapov D.V., Efremova E.I. |
Analysis of geological risks at the stage of reserves assessment in order to increase the asset development efficiency | |
A significant part of large hydrocarbon accumulations with easily accessible reserves on the territory of the Russian Federation were discovered back in the 20th century. In order to increase the resource achievement, subsoil users have to carry out exploration activity on small objects with complex geological structure. Such activity is associated with increased geological risks, which prevent from achieving the desired economic effect. In order to account for geological risks, the authors use one of the modern and effective tools - three-dimensional multivariate geological modeling. Such a tool allows to analyze geological uncertainties, identify critical risks and timely make or adjust already made investment decision. In this paper, using multivariate geological modeling, a probabilistic assessment of initial geological reserves was performed and the most significant uncertainties affecting the value of reserves were identified. Subsequently, the author's model served as a tool for predicting the geological structure of the accumulation. Keywords: geological risk, geological uncertainty, probabilistic assessment of initial geological reserves, multivariate geological model. |
article citation | Potapov D.V., Efremova E.I. Analiz geologicheskikh riskov na etape otsenki zapasov s tsel'yu povysheniya effektivnosti osvoeniya aktiva [Analysis of geological risks at the stage of reserves assessment in order to increase the asset development efficiency]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/2_2023.html EDN: GUATEE |
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