Neudachin D.Yu.

Graduated from Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and chemistry named after M. Azizbekov (1993), specialization prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields.
Deputy manager of geology of Pechoraneft.
Area of scientific interests: petroleum geology, exploration and the search for hydrocarbons.
Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Podol'skiy Yu.V.
Article # 5_2015 submitted on 09/06/2014 displayed on website on 01/19/2015
13 p.
pdf  Petroleum potential prospects of Tsil’egorsk Depression and adjacent areas
Tsil’egorsk Depression and adjacent areas are characterized by significant petroleum potential prospects in the Komi Republic and the Nenets Autonomous District. The main prospects are associated with the Lower Devonian deposits, Upper Devonian reefal structures and Lower Permian biohermal objects. Resource assessment of localized objects can reach up to 100 million tons of oil resources. Undiscovered reserves of C2 category are also significant. This means that in case of a large increase in prospecting and exploration the oil production can be greatly expanded for production companies and there could be a good opportunity for new enterprises to start production.

Keywords: petroleum potential, reef, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, reservoir, cap rock, petroleum prospects.
article citation Nikonov N.I., Neudachin D.Yu., Ilyin V.V., Nikolaev M.N., Utoplenikov V.K. Perspektivy neftenosnosti Tsil'egorskoy depressii i prilegayushchikh territoriy [Petroleum potential prospects of Tsil’egorsk Depression and adjacent areas]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 1, available at:

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