Surikova E.S.
Graduated from Novosibirsk State University (2011), specialization "oil and gas geology and geochemistry".
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Senior Researcher of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Area of scientific interest: tectonics and oil and gas content of the northern regions of Western Siberia based on the interpretation of CDP seismic data and deep drilling data, construction of seismogeological models of deposits in the territory of Western Siberia; interpretation of seismic data and well logging.
Author of 58 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 41_2020 | submitted on 10/30/2020 displayed on website on 11/27/2020 |
21 p. | Surikova E.S., Kontorovich V.A., Fedorovich M.O. |
Sedimentation reconstruction conditions of Cretaceous and Jurassic productive sandy layers of the Gydan Peninsula (on the example of Geophysical field) | |
Based on the analysis of seismic attributes, the shape of the SP curves, lithological and petrophysical data, and well test results, the sedimentation environments of the Bajocian, Berriasian-Hauterivian, Aptian and Cenomanian sandstone beds of the Geophysical field were reconstructed; its facies and zones of sandstone beds distribution and its claying are determined. Keywords: facies analysis, analysis of seismic attributes, sedimentation environment, Cretaceous and Jurassic productive sandy layers, Geophysical field, Gydan Peninsula. |
article citation | Surikova E.S., Kontorovich V.A., Fedorovich M.O. Rekonstruktsiya usloviy osadkonakopleniya melovykh i yurskikh produktivnykh peschanykh plastov poluostrova Gydanskiy (na primere Geofizicheskogo mestorozhdeniya) [Sedimentation reconstruction conditions of Cretaceous and Jurassic productive sandy layers of the Gydan Peninsula (on the example of Geophysical field)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2020/41_2020.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/41_2020 |
Bardachevskiy V.N., Shestakova N.I., Ershov S.V. Osobennosti formirovaniya goteriv-barremskikh klinoform Gydanskogo poluostrova [Features of formation of Gydan Peninsula Hauteriv-Barremian clinoform]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/45_2019.html. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/45_2019
Belyaev S.Yu., Kontorovich A.E., Krasavchikov V.O., Kontorovich V.A., Suprunenko A.I. Tektonicheskoe stroenie i istoriya tektonicheskogo razvitiya Zapadno-Sibirskoy geosineklizy v mezozoe i kaynozoe [Tectonic history and delopment of the Western Siberian geosyneclise during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2001, vol. 42, no.11-12, pp. 1832-1845.
Gydan: geologicheskoe stroenie, resursy uglevodorodov, budushchee… [Gydan Peninsula: geological structure, hydrocarbon resources, the future]. V.A. Skorobogatov, L.V. Stroganov, Moscow: Nedra, 2006, 261 p.
Kontorovich A.E., Ershov S.V., Kazanenkov V.A., Karogodin Yu.N., Kontorovich V.A., Lebedeva N.K., Nikitenko B.L., Popova N.I., Shurygin B.N. Paleogeografiya Zapadno-Sibirskogo osadochnogo basseyna v melovom periode [Paleogeography of the West Siberian sedimentary basin in the Cretaceous]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2014, vol. 55, no. 5-6, pp. 745-776.
Kontorovich A.E., Kontorovich V.A., Ryzhkova S.V., Shurygin B.N., Vakulenko L.G., Gaydeburova E.A., Danilova V.P., Kazanenkov V.A., Kim N.S., Kostyreva E.A., Moskvin V.I., Yan P.A. Paleogeografiya Zapadno-Sibirskogo osadochnogo basseyna v yurskom periode [Jurassic paleogeography of the West Siberian sedimentary basin]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2013, vol. 54, no.8, pp. 972–1012.
Muromtsev V.S. Elektrometricheskaya geologiya peschanykh tel – litologicheskikh lovushek nefti i gaza [Electrometric geology of sand bodies - lithological traps of oil and gas]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1984, 260 p.
Myasnikova G.P., Mukher A.G., Devyatov V.P. Usloviya sedimentatsii stratigraficheskikh gorizontov yury. Paleogeograficheskie karty [Sedimentation conditions of Jurassic stratigraphic levels . Paleogeographic maps]. Puti realizatsii neftegazovogo i rudnogo potentsiala Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga-Yugry: materialy 15-y nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2012, vol.1, pp. 77-94.
PAO «Novatek». - http://www.novatek.ru/
San'kova N.V., Romanov A.V., Mazurkevich V.V. Metodika tsifrovogo geologicheskogo modelirovaniya zalezhey uglevodorodov v allyuvial'nykh otlozheniyakh na primere plastov tanopchinskoy svity severnykh rayonov Yamal'skoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti [Methods of digital geological modeling of hydrocarbon accumulations in alluvial sediments on the example of the Tanopchin Formation in the northern area of the Yamal petroleum bearing region]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik «Vesti gazovoy nauki», 2018, no.3(35), pp.327-334.
Shurygin B.N., Nikitenko B.L., Devyatov V.P., Dzyuba O.S., Ilina V.I., Kazakov A.M., Meledina S.V., Mogucheva N.K., Nikitenko B.L., Shurygin B.N. Stratigrafiya neftegazonosnykh basseynov Sibiri. Yurskaya sistema [Stratigraphy of petroleum basins of Siberia. Jurassic system]. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN, filial «GEO», 2000, 480 p.
Stratigraficheskaya, litologo-fatsial'naya kharakteristiki yurskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri i perspektivy ikh neftegazonosnosti: uchebnoe posobie [Stratigraphic, lithological and facial characteristics of Jurassic sequences of Western Siberia and the prospects of their petroleum potential]. A.R. Kurchikov, V.N. Borodkin, A.S. Nedosekin, V.I. Kislukhin, I.V. Kislukhin, Tyumen': TyumGNGU, 2014, 178 p.
Vakulenko L.G., Ershov S.V., Nikolenko O.D., Peshchevitskaya E.A., Popov A.Yu., Yan P.A. Bio- i lito-fatsial'nye modeli berrias-aptskikh otlozheniy zapadnoy chasti Gydanskogo poluostrova (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Bio- and lithofacies models of Berriasian-Aptian sections of the western part of the Gydan Peninsula (Western Siberia)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2020, vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 930-942.
Belyaev S.Yu., Kontorovich A.E., Krasavchikov V.O., Kontorovich V.A., Suprunenko A.I. Tektonicheskoe stroenie i istoriya tektonicheskogo razvitiya Zapadno-Sibirskoy geosineklizy v mezozoe i kaynozoe [Tectonic history and delopment of the Western Siberian geosyneclise during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2001, vol. 42, no.11-12, pp. 1832-1845.
Gydan: geologicheskoe stroenie, resursy uglevodorodov, budushchee… [Gydan Peninsula: geological structure, hydrocarbon resources, the future]. V.A. Skorobogatov, L.V. Stroganov, Moscow: Nedra, 2006, 261 p.
Kontorovich A.E., Ershov S.V., Kazanenkov V.A., Karogodin Yu.N., Kontorovich V.A., Lebedeva N.K., Nikitenko B.L., Popova N.I., Shurygin B.N. Paleogeografiya Zapadno-Sibirskogo osadochnogo basseyna v melovom periode [Paleogeography of the West Siberian sedimentary basin in the Cretaceous]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2014, vol. 55, no. 5-6, pp. 745-776.
Kontorovich A.E., Kontorovich V.A., Ryzhkova S.V., Shurygin B.N., Vakulenko L.G., Gaydeburova E.A., Danilova V.P., Kazanenkov V.A., Kim N.S., Kostyreva E.A., Moskvin V.I., Yan P.A. Paleogeografiya Zapadno-Sibirskogo osadochnogo basseyna v yurskom periode [Jurassic paleogeography of the West Siberian sedimentary basin]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2013, vol. 54, no.8, pp. 972–1012.
Muromtsev V.S. Elektrometricheskaya geologiya peschanykh tel – litologicheskikh lovushek nefti i gaza [Electrometric geology of sand bodies - lithological traps of oil and gas]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1984, 260 p.
Myasnikova G.P., Mukher A.G., Devyatov V.P. Usloviya sedimentatsii stratigraficheskikh gorizontov yury. Paleogeograficheskie karty [Sedimentation conditions of Jurassic stratigraphic levels . Paleogeographic maps]. Puti realizatsii neftegazovogo i rudnogo potentsiala Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga-Yugry: materialy 15-y nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Khanty-Mansiysk, 2012, vol.1, pp. 77-94.
PAO «Novatek». - http://www.novatek.ru/
San'kova N.V., Romanov A.V., Mazurkevich V.V. Metodika tsifrovogo geologicheskogo modelirovaniya zalezhey uglevodorodov v allyuvial'nykh otlozheniyakh na primere plastov tanopchinskoy svity severnykh rayonov Yamal'skoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti [Methods of digital geological modeling of hydrocarbon accumulations in alluvial sediments on the example of the Tanopchin Formation in the northern area of the Yamal petroleum bearing region]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik «Vesti gazovoy nauki», 2018, no.3(35), pp.327-334.
Shurygin B.N., Nikitenko B.L., Devyatov V.P., Dzyuba O.S., Ilina V.I., Kazakov A.M., Meledina S.V., Mogucheva N.K., Nikitenko B.L., Shurygin B.N. Stratigrafiya neftegazonosnykh basseynov Sibiri. Yurskaya sistema [Stratigraphy of petroleum basins of Siberia. Jurassic system]. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN, filial «GEO», 2000, 480 p.
Stratigraficheskaya, litologo-fatsial'naya kharakteristiki yurskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri i perspektivy ikh neftegazonosnosti: uchebnoe posobie [Stratigraphic, lithological and facial characteristics of Jurassic sequences of Western Siberia and the prospects of their petroleum potential]. A.R. Kurchikov, V.N. Borodkin, A.S. Nedosekin, V.I. Kislukhin, I.V. Kislukhin, Tyumen': TyumGNGU, 2014, 178 p.
Vakulenko L.G., Ershov S.V., Nikolenko O.D., Peshchevitskaya E.A., Popov A.Yu., Yan P.A. Bio- i lito-fatsial'nye modeli berrias-aptskikh otlozheniy zapadnoy chasti Gydanskogo poluostrova (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Bio- and lithofacies models of Berriasian-Aptian sections of the western part of the Gydan Peninsula (Western Siberia)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2020, vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 930-942.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 14_2010 | submitted on 01/28/2010 displayed on website on 03/19/2010 |
14 p. | Surikova E.S., Kalinina L.M. |
History of tectonic development of the Mezhov megacape and the model of geological structure of the Verkh-Tar oil field | |
The research was realized in the laboratory of mathematical and seismogeological modeling of oil-and-gas systems in the oil-and-gas geology and geophysics institute. The work is devoted to the reconstruction of the history of tectonic development characteristic of the geological structure and petroleum potential of northern district of Novosibirsk region based on integrated data of seismic exploration, well logging and well drilling and well tests. The authoress correlated 2652 km 2-D и 300 km2 3-D sections, this data of correlation compare with data of drilling of 85 wells. For investigated area quality assessment of reservoirs was given via made by authoress maps of thickness of under-coal, between-coal and above-coal strata of vasyuganskaya suite of horizon Ю1; zones of high and low quality were detected; oil pools and oil-bearing object were contoured. Key words: tectonic development, geological structure, petroleum potential, oil-bearing object, oil-reservoir horizon Ю1, Mezhovsky megapromontory, Western Siberia. |
article citation | Surikova E.S., Kalinina L.M. History of tectonic development of the Mezhov megacape and the model of geological structure of the Verkh-Tar oil field // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #1.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/14_2010.pdf |