Gubaeva F.R.
Post-graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Mining University.
Research interests: oil and gas geology, lithology, paleogeography.
Author of 8 publications.
Article # 19_2012 | submitted on 02/29/2012 displayed on website on 04/19/2012 |
24 p. | Shishlov S.B., Gubaeva F.R. |
Structure and formation conditions of the Lower Cretaceous reservoir BV-8 - Povkhovskoe oil field (Western Siberia) | |
Structural and genetic analysis of cores and log data (SP curves) has shown that strata BV-8 of the Povkhovskoe oil field consists of 10 transgressive-regressive systems of layers, which were formed as a result of migration landscapes (deep muds, “rag sands” and sand dikes) during the rise and fall of the sea level. It has been found that sand strata are represented by lenses that consist of two layers: the lower (accumulated in the final phase of regression), and the upper (accumulated at the beginning of transgression of the next sedimentation cycle). The obtained results do not confirm the clinoform model of strata BV-8 due to low resolution of seismic profiling, which only allows to reveal some general boundaries of a number of diachronic sands lenses, that are located en echelon and overlap each other. Key words: sedimentary environments, transgressive-regressive cycles, structural and genetic analysis, clinoform, productive strata BV-8, Povkhovskoe oil field, Lower Cretaceous. |
article citation | Shishlov S.B., Gubaeva F.R. Stroenie i usloviya formirovaniya rannemelovogo produktivnogo plasta BV-8 Povkhovskogo neftyanogo mestorozhdeniya (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Structure and formation conditions of the Lower Cretaceous reservoir BV-8 - Povkhovskoe oil field (Western Siberia)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/19_2012.pdf |
Zhuravlev E.G., Zhuravleva L.M. Osobennosti poiskov zalezhey v achimovskoy tolshche Zapadnoy Sibiri [Features of deposit prospecting in Western Siberia Achimov strata]. XIX Gubkinskie chteniya. Moscow: RGU nefti i gaza, 2011, pp. 29-30. |