Marakova I.A.

Graduated from Ukhta State Technical University (2014), specialization”oil and gas geology”.
Post-graduate student of the Department of Geology of Fuels and Solid Minerals, Ukhta State Technical University.
Scientific interest area: forecasting and prospecting for oil and gas deposits.
Author of 8 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 18_2016 submitted on 03/25/2016 displayed on website on 05/26/2016
15 p.
pdf Tectonical and geochemical preconditions for petroleum potential of Chernyshov ridge
The Novovorgamusyursky shaft was distinguished on the basis of the velocity model. New insights into the Chernyshev ridge as a part of Varandey-Chernyshev aulacogene are provided. The authors analyzed the probability of filling the identified traps by hydrocarbons from the major generation centers in Kosyu-Rogue depression, in Varandey-Chernyshev aulacogene with resource estimated at hundreds of millions of tons. There are preconditions for the preparation of the shaft traps for deep drilling.

Keywords: geological surveys, seismic surveys, hydrocarbon resources Varandey-Chernyshev aulacogene, Novovorgamusyursky shaft, Timan-Pechora province.
article citation Bogdanov B.P., Rostovschikov V.B., Nedilyuk L.P., Marakova I.A., Senin S.V. Tektonicheskie i geokhimicheskie predposylki neftegazonosnosti gryady Chernysheva [Tectonical and geochemical preconditions for petroleum potential of Chernyshov ridge]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 2, available at:
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