Loshakova I.F.


Graduated from SRSTU (NPI) (2000), specialization "geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of minerals".
Leading geophysicist of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIGNI", Moscow.
Area of scientific interests: geology and geophysics of Western and Eastern Siberia.
Author of 2 publications.
Article # 27_2024 submitted on 05/22/2024 displayed on website on 09/17/2024
21 p.
pdf Up-to-date results of complex seismic and aerogravimagnetic exploratory activity concerning tectonics and petroleum potential of the Rassokhin megaridge
In recent years, regional seismic exploration and aerogravimagnetic activity have been carried out in the Yenisey-Khatanga petroleum bearing region, and the Novoyakimov-1 parametric well has been drilled. Based on the results of a comprehensive interpretation of the data, updated structural maps have been constructed for the main reflecting levels, and the development zone of the Rassokhin megaswell has been clarified. According to the analysis of potential fields, the megaswell is confined to the anomalous zone along the axis of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough, corresponding to the rift tectonic model of the region. Also, in the central axial zone of the Rassokhin megaridge, extensive intrusive bodies associated with the filling of the rift extension (rupture) zone with magmatic melt have been identified. Along the sides of the Rassokhin megaridge, according to the new structural map, a system of satellite swells has been identified along the base of the Jurassic strata, as well as structures of a smaller order, including in the Agap megaswell adjacent to the north and the Dudyptin megaswell adjacent to the south. New seismic and aerogravimagnetic geological exploration activity have made it possible to clarify the oil and gas potential of the Rassokhin petroleum bearing area.

Keywords: seismic and aerogravimagnetic geological exploration activity, Rassokhin megaridge, Yenisey-Khatanga petroleum bearing region.
article citation Ivanova S.R., Korneev A.A., Loshakova I.F., Kalamkarov S.L., Obukhov A.N. Aktual'nye rezul'taty kompleksnykh seysmorazvedochnykh i aerogravimagnitnykh rabot v aspekte izucheniya tektoniki i neftegazonosnosti Rassokhinskogo megavala [Up-to-date results of complex seismic and aerogravimagnetic exploratory activity concerning tectonics and petroleum potential of the Rassokhin megaridge]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 3, available at: https://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2024/27_2024.html EDN: PNULMZ
   Afanasenkov A.P., Lygin I.V., Obukhov A.N., Sokolova T.B., Kuznetsov K.M. Ob"emnaya rekonstruktsiya tektonicheskikh elementov Enisey-Khatangskoy riftovoy sistemy po rezul'tatam kompleksnoy geologo-geofizicheskoy interpretatsii [Volumetric reconstruction of tectonic elements of the Yenisey-Khatanga rift system based on the results of complex geological and geophysical interpretation]. Geofizika, 2017, no. 2, pp. 60-70. (In Russ.).
   Afanasenkov A.P., Obukhov A.N., Kalamkarov S.A., Chikishev A.A., Lyubaev R.R. Novaya tektonicheskaya model' Enisey-Khatangskogo regional'nogo progiba [New tectonic model of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough]. Materialy XLIX tektonicheskogo soveshchaniya posvyashchennogo 100-letiyu akademika Yu.M. Pushcharovskogo. Moscow: GEOS, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 33-38. (In Russ.).
   Baldin V.A., Munasypov N.Z. Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' Obsko-Laptevskoy gryady, krupneyshey na severe Sibiri nadporyadkovoy polozhitel'noy megastruktury [Geology and petroleum potential of the Ob-Laptev ridge, the largest supra-order positive megastructure in northern Siberia]. Geologiya i geofizika - 2022: nauka, proizvodstvo, innovatsii: materialy II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Ufa, 13-14 Oct 2022). Tver', 2022, pp. 144-147. (In Russ.).
   Isaev A.V., Afanasenkov A.P., Polyakov A.A., Khil'ko I.A., Chikishev A.A. Stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti klinoformnogo kompleksa Enisey-Khatangskogo regional'nogo progiba [Structure and oil and gas potential prospects of the clinoform complex of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2022, vol. 63, no. 11, pp.1591-1603. (In Russ.).
   Ivanova S.R., Korneev A.A., Loshakova I.F., Kalamkarov S.L. Novye aspekty tektoniki i neftegazonosnosti Rassokhinskogo megavala po rezul'tatam kompleksnykh seysmorazvedochnykh i aerogravimagnitnykh rabot [New aspects of tectonics and oil and gas potential of the Rassokhin megaswell based on the results of comprehensive seismic exploration and airborne gravity magnetic activity]. GeoEvraziya-2024. Geologorazvedochnye tekhnologii: nauka i biznes: trudy VII Mezhdunarodnoy geologo-geofizicheskoy konferentsii, vol. I, Tver': OOO «PoliPRESS», 2024, pp. 173-177. (In Russ.).
   Kalamkarov S.L., Petrov A.L., Loshakova I.F., Ukhlova G.D., Obukhov A.N., Osobennosti neftegazonosnosti paleozoyskogo i mezozoyskogo strukturnykh etazhey Enisey-Khatangskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti s uchetom tektonicheskikh i geokhimicheskikh dannykh [Features of the oil and gas potential of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic structural stages of the Yenisey-Khatanga oil and gas region taking into account tectonic and geochemical data]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2024, no. 1, pp. 7-26. (In Russ.).
   Munasypov N.Z., Baldin V.A. Khatangskiy zhelob - novaya perspektivnaya territoriya poiska mestorozhdeniy UV [Khatanga Trough - a new promising territory for hydrocarbon accumulations exploration]. PROGRRESS'23. Geologorazvedka kak biznes: sbornik materialov 3-y mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Sochi, 23-25 Oct 2023). Moscow, 2023, pp.13-16. (In Russ.).
   Obukhov A.N., Kalamkarov S.L., Korneev A.A. Gravitatsionno-geodinamicheskaya model' Enisey-Khatanskogo regional'nogo progiba [Gravity-geodynamic model of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough]. Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya po voprosam razvedki i razrabotki mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza na territorii Vostochnoy Sibiri: nauchno-tekhnologicheskiy daydzhest (Krasnoyarsk, 13-16 Oct 2020). Krasnoyarsk, 2020, pp. 108-113. (In Russ.).
   Obukhov A.N., Kalamkarov S.L., Korneev A.A. K voprosu o riftovoy modeli Enisey-Khatangskogo regional'nogo progiba [On the rift model of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough]. GeoEvraziya-2021. Geologorazvedka v sovremennykh realiyakh: trudy IV Mezhdunarodnoy geologo-geofizicheskoy konferentsii i vystavki. Tver': OOO «PoliPRESS», 2021, vol. I (II), 364 p. (In Russ.).
   Obukhov A.N., Korneev A.A., Kalamkarov S.L., Chikishev A.A., Lyubaev R.R. Tektonika zapada Enisey-Khatangskogo regional'nogo progiba - gravitatsionno-geodinamicheskaya interpretatsiya [Tectonics of the western Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough - gravitational-geodynamic interpretation]. Novye idei v geologii nefti i gaza 2019: sbornik nauchnykh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «Pero», 2019, 584 p. (In Russ.).